Uncovered Righteousness
Ladies, have you ever wondered what you will wear in Heaven? Well I had not even considered this until recently. What caused me to ponder this is what I am wearing today!! Which is a mossy oak breakup jumper and an hunter orange T-shirt under it with a matching mossy oak bandana style head piece. This is really wild to some………but it is modest!
There is much controversy in clothing these days. From being in “style” to traditional clothing. From modest to immodest in both arenas. I have been in churches that my sons had to constantly look down because of the indecently dressed women and girls in the auditorium, that it was sickening. But this was common and accepted practice, ignoring scripture that speaks directly against such immodesty ( 1 Timothy 2:9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes). Modesty is not defined here, yet one can understand it does mean clothing cut low in the chest and short in the legs is immodest. And thus some just decided to go around the “letter” of the law, ignoring the “Spirit” of the law to covering all parts, just form fitting-------this too ladies is immodest. What are we trying to prove, show or advertise? Proper decent attire is part of our “walk” as Christians.
Now while this is true, There are other groups that feel it immodest to have part of your arms showing! Or not having a certain conformity of pattern or the right type of material. Some even cover their feet. The problem with this in general is that it is a fertile bed for growing legalism and pharisitical righteousness. What I mean is………I had a lady give look upon me with contempt because I did not have the normal noted attire for a certain group. She did not know me but I thought how sad that she thinks I am not a Christian because my modest clothing does not fit her “list” of style pattern and print of the clothes. It was as though I was pronounced on the spot “lost and worldly” in just a sneering glance. This is so wrong. I have visited other churches that too had legalism about clothes (not as spelled out), saying that because some young men were now wearing suits and cutting their hair properly were obviously saved and going to heaven. This again is wrong!
So in laughable discouragement I thought: You know what I will never please these people---for I am not a people pleaser. But a “Truth pleaser” (Ephesians 5:8-10 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. )
You know what? in Heaven it is not going to matter what I wear, I ain’t taking these clothes with me. And wearing the legalistic clothes list does not impart anymore righteousness than simply obeying---dress modestly. It is not in what we wear it is in WHO we obey. In heaven we are not going to wear make-up, or get perms, or wear cape dresses or for that matter head coverings either.
I guess my point is that so many people get so wound up (many times it is in their silence not just their words) about the clothes/hair/makeup/jewelry being their righteousness (which it is not on any “fruit” listed in the Bible) that they miss “the boat” so to speak. They put this command of modesty above all others. Not having love and grace for others as God has bestowed on us. I am not saying modesty is not important. BUT so is Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. Be submissive to your husband, give to those in need, encourage those in the body and so on……So in our “dress codes” we have forgotten to love others. We have made it into a “banner” of “covered righteousness” and have forgotten the “banner” of love. And as Scripture says without love you are nothing.
We need to remeber to give the same grace and mercy to others that we desire ourselves.
Spiritual Encouragement for those desiring to follow Christ with their whole heart.
About Me

- Waves of Grace
- A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Naked Truth
Now I know what you are thinking. Is this even fit to read??? Well yes, get past the title and you will find a very good lesson. Having spent many years on the coast of California, we spent a lot of time “catchin’ waves”. There just isn’t anything like staring at the vastness of the ocean and reflecting of God’s Power, His Majesty, His Might, and yet His love and care for us. The wonderful thing about the beaches we went to was that for the most part, they were colder beaches and most of the time jackets were worn, and in general more clothing than at the more southern beaches. This was a blessing.
But we all probably have seen the sight of a woman or a man in a in a skimpy swim suit lounging or walking along the beach. Follow me down the beach for just a moment. This profound little picture has such a spiritual meaning! When people are dressed as such or undressed as I like to say. Many of them barely have on enough clothing to cover a flea. As you glance at this picture---you see A LOT of flesh. And that is just the way we should expect it. What do I mean? Well, for the unregenerate person all he/she can do is live their lives in the flesh. That is all that shows. Boy do they show a lot of flesh.
However, we as believers also get into the “flesh” many times. And I just want you to think for a minute what that looks like----all that flesh hanging out!! We think of the beach scene aghast. But yet we will literal go naked at home, or out shopping and even to church!! We do not hesitate to tell a sister a “thing or two”, or gossip. How about being impatient with our spouse or children for not moving quickly enough? How about when there is a need turning your head in the opposite direction while saying someone else can do that job. Not being available for a listening ear. Not having compassion on those who need it. Most often it is our tongues that “lick” us! We intentionally hurt someone. Or tell someone the Truth – without love. I could make this list as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. But I think you are beginning to get the idea. There are many deeds of the flesh (Col 3:5,7-9, Eph. 4:31-32, Gal. 5:19-21), and every time we walk in the “flesh” we look like that lady who was quite heavy in her bikini and flesh was everywhere! (That was a true sighting---please note I am not making fun of heavy people, I myself am of the heavy side too----but I do not wear bikinis!) That is sickening!! It made me really think! As I was teaching my boys about this, I would remind them every time they were knowingly sinning I would say,: Are you walking around naked? Do you need to go to the clothes closet and change?
Change into what:
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:12-14
Change our inconsiderate actions for ones of compassion. Change our uncaring hearts for hearts of kindness. Trample our pride and replace it with humility. Round our rough edges with gentleness. And change our snappiness to patience in all things. Having a heart of forgiveness at all times. Change our many hateful attitudes and actions to ones of love, which clothes us completely.
This is how you properly clothe yourself so as to not run around naked!
I ask you to think about what you look like when you walk around in the flesh---I promise you it is ugly!! Let us consider how we are to clothe ourselves and not go around showing our flesh and in doing so we will glorify the Lord!
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