Snow Flake or So Fake?
I had to wait some time for this inspiration to come “floating” down from the sky! This had been on my heart, but I wanted to wait for the first snow fall! And that was on Thursday! How beautiful to wake up to the snow white world. For everything to be so perflakely covered with glistening white stuff! Peering out the window before anyone has gone outside to molest the scene of perflake harmony of the snowflake’s unity on the earth!
It is equally amazing to me the contrast, though, when the untouched, unified snowflakes are marred by an intruder. The minute that footprints, dog prints, other animal prints begin to assault the “unified snowflakes” how very very ugly it gets. Then there is no return to it’s beauty. It is unity completely ruined forever. Then the inevitable fights, customary snowmen and igloo’s take care of the rest of the yard’s beauty. The streets ever so quickly splash their black dirty juices on the roadside plowed snow. Making it hideously obvious of our busy world! The beauty of the untouched, uncomplicated display of God’s splendor now in mucky brown undesirable ruins.
As I watched these big soft flakes float gingerly down to the yard, I thought isn’t it amazing how just one snow flake does not do anything but come down and melt. I thought it sure is gonna take a lot of those snowflakes to make a blanket of white stillness. Just one snow flake won’t do!! But when there are more than one, say a lot more. Then some more added, then before you know it, they are shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, unified I might add, in order to do one mission: Display God’s Glory!! And when that happens, the majesty is speechless to look upon. A beautiful white blanket of Splendor sent from Heaven!
So it made me think of the “church”. Each body member being a “flake”. Just one alone can not do what the “body” was designed to do. Only through the complete unified effort of each flake (person) can the uncanning beauty of God’s children –displaying God’s Glory! This kind of unity in the “church” is missing today. Both inside the local “church’ and between “churches”. I have been in many churches—unity? Many do not know the word much less what God says about unity. It is sad. Not to mention that unity between others churches/denominations if you will---is usually unheard of.
Why I ask? I think it is because there are fake flakes in the mist of these bodies of believers that distract, redirect, disregard from the mission, thus molesting the unity that should be there. I think back to the early church and this is how they are described: Acts 2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.4 All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 4:32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.
What has happened to this beginning?..........well, in short, we have left our first Love. We have sold our hearts to a modern day organization. The church now has all the amities that a club or businessman needs. Exchanging personal involvement with one another to group programs. In this process of keeping up with the world, new buildings, gyms, programs, entertainment etc, has sprung up. Regrettably, with those things came unneeded massive expenses & debt. I think this is when there was the beginning of huge influx of “So Flakes”. People who are not saved. People who are only in this for the entertainment, etc. The church has to pay it’s “bills” somehow.
Thus our big mega church & large churches are full of “So Flakes” so there can not be the unity of “Snow Flakes”. In order to keep everyone happy much is compromised. And the small churches many times are no different and are on their way to being big and offer all they can!
Can a church full of “So Flakes” ever perflakely produce the beauty and glory of true unity that “Snow Flakes” can?
Are you a “Snow Flake” or “So Fake”
I had to wait some time for this inspiration to come “floating” down from the sky! This had been on my heart, but I wanted to wait for the first snow fall! And that was on Thursday! How beautiful to wake up to the snow white world. For everything to be so perflakely covered with glistening white stuff! Peering out the window before anyone has gone outside to molest the scene of perflake harmony of the snowflake’s unity on the earth!
It is equally amazing to me the contrast, though, when the untouched, unified snowflakes are marred by an intruder. The minute that footprints, dog prints, other animal prints begin to assault the “unified snowflakes” how very very ugly it gets. Then there is no return to it’s beauty. It is unity completely ruined forever. Then the inevitable fights, customary snowmen and igloo’s take care of the rest of the yard’s beauty. The streets ever so quickly splash their black dirty juices on the roadside plowed snow. Making it hideously obvious of our busy world! The beauty of the untouched, uncomplicated display of God’s splendor now in mucky brown undesirable ruins.
As I watched these big soft flakes float gingerly down to the yard, I thought isn’t it amazing how just one snow flake does not do anything but come down and melt. I thought it sure is gonna take a lot of those snowflakes to make a blanket of white stillness. Just one snow flake won’t do!! But when there are more than one, say a lot more. Then some more added, then before you know it, they are shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, unified I might add, in order to do one mission: Display God’s Glory!! And when that happens, the majesty is speechless to look upon. A beautiful white blanket of Splendor sent from Heaven!
So it made me think of the “church”. Each body member being a “flake”. Just one alone can not do what the “body” was designed to do. Only through the complete unified effort of each flake (person) can the uncanning beauty of God’s children –displaying God’s Glory! This kind of unity in the “church” is missing today. Both inside the local “church’ and between “churches”. I have been in many churches—unity? Many do not know the word much less what God says about unity. It is sad. Not to mention that unity between others churches/denominations if you will---is usually unheard of.
Why I ask? I think it is because there are fake flakes in the mist of these bodies of believers that distract, redirect, disregard from the mission, thus molesting the unity that should be there. I think back to the early church and this is how they are described: Acts 2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.4 All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 4:32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.
What has happened to this beginning?..........well, in short, we have left our first Love. We have sold our hearts to a modern day organization. The church now has all the amities that a club or businessman needs. Exchanging personal involvement with one another to group programs. In this process of keeping up with the world, new buildings, gyms, programs, entertainment etc, has sprung up. Regrettably, with those things came unneeded massive expenses & debt. I think this is when there was the beginning of huge influx of “So Flakes”. People who are not saved. People who are only in this for the entertainment, etc. The church has to pay it’s “bills” somehow.
Thus our big mega church & large churches are full of “So Flakes” so there can not be the unity of “Snow Flakes”. In order to keep everyone happy much is compromised. And the small churches many times are no different and are on their way to being big and offer all they can!
Can a church full of “So Flakes” ever perflakely produce the beauty and glory of true unity that “Snow Flakes” can?
Are you a “Snow Flake” or “So Fake”