California Vacation 2010
Waves of Grace Journaled
Saturday 10/30/10
Sunday 10/31/10
Can you say BORING!! After catching up on sleep the day before, now I am ready for sightseeing! All there is to see is BROWN! And BROWN! Though occassionaly the “contour” of the brown changes (there are A LOT of mountains on this drive—they just all look brown!!) Opps! There goes a tumble weed! I wonder about the churches here because they would sure be “blown by every WIND of doctrine!! It is sure windy here, don’t know why I bothered to fix my hair it is now in my face!! Arrived at Penguin (Kids nic name for city) Kingman, AZ. Finally ready to stretch my legs. The boys ride skate boards in parking lot, nice evening, hit the hay…………Realized as we unpacked that night that we had brought along an uninvited guest---a nasty cold!
Monday 11/1/10
Surf boards, boggie boards, ahhhhhhhhhhh….. lets get in the car and sit for three days! With anticipation of catching some waves we rise early and hit the road. Rolling in to CA we stuff ourselves with fruit and only have to give the border patrol one apple that was left. I forgot they take your fruit!! Oh well! Now if you think that CA is Beaches, Blondes, Bikinis and plush golf courses--------WRONG! It’s still BROWN! The whole state seems to be one big Sand Dune!! Only closer to the coast they are watered and manicured where the upper class folks live and movie stars roam! But for a large protion of CA, it is desert, dry, hot, windy and sandy.
Several hours later….we rolled into the south side outskirts of Los Angeles, went down to Oceanside, to Camp Pendleton where we were to stay for a few days. DIVERSE is the word for this vacation. You go from nothing but tumble weeds to 8 lanes of bumper to bumper traffic, me thinking they were smoking weeds! Even the GPS diddn’t like to travel in the Big City—kept getting us lost!! Okay, maybe not…………
We arrive shortly after noon, get our first glimps of the magnificent ocean, though calling our names we turn to visit with some old friends………………..the ocean to will have to wait. We have a bible study in the park, great weather missed that about CA. Walk home in the dark. Go back to base, open the back door and stare at the moonlit ocean waves as they crash on the shore. My lawn chair taken with a quilt, time to be with my Maker……………..
Tuesday 11/2/10
I tiptoe out the back door, around sleeping boys, get snuggled in my lawn chair and anticipate the sunrise----I was not disappointed! After the sun made it’s appearance I was joined by my lovely husband, we had coffee right on the beach with our feet in the sand! And yes I was in my PJ’s!
After breakfast we put on our wetsuits (can you say beached whale!!) Whale anyway, I looked let’s say interesting, overweight in an all black rubber suit does make a startling resemblance to the large sea creatures called whales. But I did not let that detor me, I just joined them for a swim! Only thing though rolled and plummitted by wave after wave, I did not enjoy that as much as my whaling friends! I drank so much salt water I am surprised their was a drop left in the sea! But when I actually got it ride and rode on TOP of the waves with my boogie board---it was great!!! Had friends over to splash with us! FUN FUN! That night we sat around the fire ring and had s’mores and hot chocolate while the waves crashed on the beach infront of us! We sang and fellowshipped……..We excahanged “gifts” their cold for ours!! They had a real nasty cold bug, as we did, we exchanged and we all remained sick for half the vacation, Sherman remained sick the entire time, poor guy, but he still made the best of it!
Wednesday 11/3/10
The last full day at this beach, we spent the morning with coffee and a quilt looking out at the ocean before us, there is not a better way to wake up unless it would be to wake up in the arms of Jesus! Watched some dolphins play in their morning “run” along the beach!! And through out the day we even saw “spouts” from whales. This was tops! More surfing, boggie boarding, eating with friends, walking on the beach, walking out on the jetty. Gettiung dunked by the power of confined water! Watched the sunset as it dipped into the ocean and disappeared……………I love to listen to the sound of the waves in the dark……..The waves are “glow in the dark” and it’s really cool to see.
We packed up and headed north a bit to Los Angeles, stayed at San Pedro a military fort. We went to the famous Knott’s Berry Farm amusement park. Yes, it is the jelly people. We have many many sweet memories from this place from when out boys were little. We rode the log ride several times along with the Jaguar roller coaster, the river rampage (I got soaked!!) It was not busy at all, but it was very hot so after about four hours of “frying” we decided to stroll through “Snoopy Land” which is the coolest kid part of the park for memory sake. Then rested on a bench to do a favorite past time, “people watching” then we left---early can you believe it!!
Up to this point we had not eaten out one time, so it was time to find our favorite place, In and Out Burger, and we enjoyed sinking our teeth into the first of several visits to the fabulous burger joint!
Friday 11/5/10
Surf’s up dude!! We hopped in the car and headed up to the famous Malibu shores to catch some waves. This was the first time we had to “get in our seal skins” in public. Well, let’s say that was interesting!! Then we walk a long ways carrying all our boards and stuff. Finally after passing a few “cool dudes” we get there. Josh jumps in right away, we tiptoe our way in as it is all rocks and filled with seaweed!! YUCK! But if you don’t get in you fry in your wet suit. Soooooooo, I gave it a try, OUCH! Those rocks hurt. We never really got to boogie board as the waves were so gentle and far out, the rocks too sharp, the seaweed too nasty and thick…….just “bobbed” there until Josh was done. Ate at In & Out Burger again…. Later the boys worked out at the base gym and i (Laura) got some much needed time in prayer and reading God’s Word, quiet mediation was sweet!
Saturday 11/6/10
Early we pack up and head north, and I mean way north! Through the sand mountains, to near the beginning of the California aqueduct water system. A loooooong drive. We went to Redding CA to visit some friends we used to camp with and play with. Irene taught me a lot about cooking and sewing, she was a great friend as was her husband and her two girls adorable. It had not seen them in 8 years. We got there in time to go to a community auction school fund raiser that evening.
Sunday 11/7/10
We went to church with them, it reminded me of what a California church would be like, though it was at the foothills of Mt. Shasta, which is absolutely breathtaking! After a wonderful lunch, we went to see a Salmon spawning river nestled against the mountains. It took my breath away! WOW! It is so beautiful up there, I can see why our fridns moved there! We also went to see the Sun Dial Bridge over the Sacramento River. It was cool to walk across it! Neat concept! We walked along the river and chatted about old times. Another late night jammin’ chattin’ and munchin’!
Monday 11/8/10
Time to say good bye and move back south to Monterey Bay! I love this place. We got there checked into the Presidio overlooking the Bay—totally cool view! After getting unloaded, we headed down to cannery row (they canned sardines in the birth of the town)now a big tourist spot. They have a fabulous trail that goes through all of town next to the ocean. It is great for walking, biking and skateboarding. However, I forgot that after noon it is windy and considerably colder, so, we drove through several times. Just past cannery row is the cool Monterey Bay Aquarium, then on to city park & beaches, all having a continues trail. The water is so gorgeous here. It is most all rocky shoreline so the waves splashes are magnificent. There are a few beach areas but the surf was too dangerous, the waves too big to get out into—Josh was disappointed, but that is life by the sea! We walked down the wharf, looking at all the interesting shops and people. Then we ate overlooking the marina and the seals. Everyone loves the clam chowder in the bread bowl, me (laura), I just ate fish! We watched the sunset from one of the many pullouts along the coast there in the bay.
Tuesday 11/9/10
The next morning I got up early before the sunrise and opened the door, I laughed at the sound. I heard the waves crashing yes, but I also heard the harbor seals all the way up on the base. It was like listening to the coyotes back home!! I did not know they barked all night, but sure seemed like it. Got out early to the seaside trial and road bikes. This was probably my (Laura) favorite thing. It was great! Riding with the ocean crashing right next to you with the salty mist hitting your face! We went quite a ways down then turned and came back. After putting away our bikes we walked a bit and watched some surfers. Then we ate at a fish place over the ocean watching the harbor seals dance! Then we parked over looking to rocks got out and sat on a bench, snuggled in a quilt with a cup of coffee to watch a fabulous sunset.
Wednesday 11/10/10
At first dawn sad to say but we have to leave, though I would love another wonderful bike ride, there is not enough time. So we just drive by one more time the streets adjacent to the trail and ocean, I hope I can keep all this in my memory!! We stop at another pull out over the crashing waves. I (laura) get out and jot down some inspirations that had just overwhelmed me as I watched God’s magnificent creation. Articles soon to come…………
Another one of our favorite memories is the awesome drive down HWY 1 from Monterey to Santa Maria (or vice versa). It is one of the most scenic highways ever. We took our time and took lots of pictures, yes it was just as we remembered it, some things don’t change, just like our God! If you ever get the chance to make it to the coast of CA, this drive is a must. We stopped at the elephant seals, they are so cool, very unusual creatures!! Hundreeds of them cononize right there off the hwy on the beaches. Also, went near Hearst castle, on down to Moonstone, another favorite spot we used to go. Zech feed the ground squirrel right out of his hands on the boardwalk!
Finally landed at Vandenburg, where we used to be stantioned. We refueled both the gas tank and the cooler, checked in, unloaded, and headed to see a really cool family, The Tuckers. We ate a great meal, fellowshipped, shared funny stories and what God had been doing in our lives. Hated to leave, but with eyelids drooping, we left around 11 pm……but by whose watch??? CA is two hours behind us, plus we had the time change in there!!
Thursday 11/11/10
Everyone loves the clam chowder in the bread bowl, me (laura), I just ate fish!
Off to see a sweet family of ten, two parents and 8 blessings ten and under! They just moved and have a great place, more space and a few acres to play with! It was a beautufl day. The Kerley family are ddear to our hearts, they always try to serve and love the Lord. They went way out of the way and cooked a traditional Santa Maria BBQ---tritip, baked potaoes with all the toppings, salad, corn on the cob and dessert. WOW! What sweet memories. The kids are all adorable! Even the newest addition Moriah, who was not feeling well, though she still let me rock her, which was a delight. Time was short, it never is enough it seems, then we had to go…………..say goodbye until next time……….
A quick stop at Smart and Final, then on to visit with another dear family The Buttrams. We have known them for almost 13 years, kids have grown up on us! Shannon has battled cancer for several years and currently winning!! We never have enough time to catch up—but we wag our tongues as fast as they can go until we depart! This time I got to see their daughter Hannah do some gymnastics---totally cool!! Shannon and I (laura) went out to eat and guess where we went??? You got it—In and Out Burger!! Funny! I see Shannon laughing! I love to hear what all is goin on in their lives as God continues to mold them into His image. Goodbyes are hard!
Friday 11/12/10
This is our last day, one we actually added at the last minute as we realized there were still a few more favorite spots we wanted to visit. We headed up to Morro Bay, but stopped by See Canyon on the way! The apples are still as crisp and yummy as I remembered them! That was a treat! Ate two apples right away, no caramel sauce but then they didn’t need them! It was tempting to ride bike down the trail that runs through there to the beach, but no time for peddling today! We skipped the Monarch Butterflies due to time, went to Avila barn, I asked the boys if they wanted to feed the goats like the olden days, they groaned, “No mom, we are too old for that, besides we do that everyday now, it isn’t any fun!” But we watched a few other little tykes feed the few farm animals they have there and it brought back some precious memories.
On to Morro bay, we went to the shell shop, then to the ocean and watched the surfers for a bit buy the big rock, feed the squirrel beggars, then went to eat at our favorit fish place over the water. A lot of memories.
Then we took our fat selves to Pismo beach to surf one last time!! The water was significantly colder that Pendleton, brrrrrr! Can you say pretzel??!! That was what it was like for me to get into my wet suit in the car!! After getting over the SHOKE of the cold water, we did have a lot of fun boogie boarding there, though Sherman who was still very sick got out early. Joshua became a sail boat and was tossed significantly by the waves he was trying to surf, shook him up a bit, but all in all, we had a great time. Zech did some great photos of the sunset that night as we watched it as it sank down in the ocean!
Pismo is a busy place as is the hwy along that part of CA. We left our make before coming home…… we were not on the hwy two minutes when a loud noise was heard and in the mirror a boogie board was seen airborne then landed on the side of the road! Totally gnarly!! Sorry dude!
Saturday 11/13/10
It is always hard to pack up and leave after a vacation is over, but then it wouldn’t be a vacation would it! Well today is the day we head back home! We took in everything as we left Vandenberg our old base where we lived over 5 years ago as we headed out. We drove through Lompoc, then on to the ocean where I rolled down my window to get one last smell of the salt air. I kept my eyes peeled around me and I was rewarded with some dolphins playing in the early morning sunshine, as well as seeing a few surfers braving the chilly waters. Santa Barbara mountains on the left……..soon to be gone. We pointed out every In and Out Burger place we passed. In short order we were in the brown dunes of Bakersfield, on into Barstow where we ate at the last In and Out Burger place. Lots of memories.…there was several hours of silence as each one reflected on the two weeks of reliving our favorite places and visiting lovely faces!
Sunday 11/14/10
Brrrrrrr! Can you say FREEZIN’!! We left in shorts and t-shirts, along with a balmy 70 degrees to waking up to 19 degrees and snow on the ground!! Brrrr! Dig out the jackets boys, your gonna need em! We stayed in Flagstaff AZ. Beautiful! But Josh and I suffered greatly to the altitude (7,000 ft). We were totally out of breath and nauseated when we tried to work out at the hotel gym that night! Ugggg! We panted through breakfast the next morning. So I did not do much looking around!! By noon or so we were back down in elevation some and we were much better. The colors through the painted dessert are gorgeous, as are the many rock formations, mesas and volcanoes. So there is something to look at, just a long amount of asphalt in between!
Monday 11/14/10
We stayed in Clinton OK the last night and we got in late 9:30 or so, so we did not get as eagerly of a start as we liked, but that is life! We have driven all day, we stopped in on Samuel and had dinner with him, showing him our pictures on the camera, he was jealous! Left there and got in bed long after dark! The house was cold as we had not fired up the heater yet.
Well, I guess since our vacation is OVER, the first thing we better do is CHOP WOOD!!