About Me

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A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.

Monday, June 06, 2011

The Great Equalizer

The Great Equalizer


I have a power that must be acknowledged

I demand attendance from the living

I silence the speaking

I move the unmovable

I make people’s world come to a stop

I make the hard hearted cry

I make big burly men bow at my command

I make enemies stand side by side

I make the busy stand still

I control people’s waking thoughts

For a moment, I demand shunning to stop

I cause two women to speak that haven’t in years

I cause the rich and the poor to be on equal ground

I cause the hungry and full to eat at the same table

I make the hateful neighbor express kindness

I make all difficult situations unimportant

I illuminate bad attitudes as stupid

I make everyone question what life is about

I cause people to miss work

I redirect people’s hobbies for a day


I redirect everyone’s agenda to mine

I make everyone uncomfortable

I cause people to say things they’ve never said

I dictate people’s schedules

I cause angry marriages to soften for a time

I cause arguments to cease

I bring out the best in everybody

I cause time to stand still

I make speeches stop mid sentence

I make tears drench the dry eyed

I cause people to think their deepest thoughts

I am no respecter of persons

I request the young and old and all in between

I claim the rich and poor

I always arrive at the most inconvenient of times

I never come with an invitation

I do not ask for permission

I am Death

I was recently reminded of these things through the death

of a special young lady.  May we be reminded to take

 each day with a little bit more importance!