I met a man who didn’t speak. His name was Mr. Verble. Though he uttered not a word I heard him say many things.
His deaf ears told me of the whistling and explosions of mortar shells. The loud blast of the guns from world war II silencing the screams of the wounded and dying. His blank stare reflected The purple heart he had earned. His eyes no longer focused, blinded by the memories of this thing called war.
His cane well told me of his active life. A life filled with family and friends. A life filled with adventure.
His hat told me of the loving father he had been to his three sons and the lovely granddaughter he had raised. His nice clothing told me of his career as the mayor’s recorder.
His wedding band told spoke of his faithfulness and love for his beautiful wife.
His serene peaceful countenance told me of things most important….this had been a man of God. His face spoke of peace and love to all. He had been a man that was a faithful servant of God. He had ministered at his local church for many decades.
So though this man was non-verbal. He said much. His name Verble. The grandfather of a good friend of my oldest son.
I learned alot from silent Mr. Verble.
I ask you…..
If you were not able to see & hear, if you were old and broken down. What would your countenance say?
Would it speak of peace and blessing or hatred and cursing?
The choice is yours!
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
Spiritual Encouragement for those desiring to follow Christ with their whole heart.
About Me

- Waves of Grace
- A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Non-Verbal Mr. Verble
Prayer Matters
I am in my forties. I have been married 29 years. I have played sports as a kid and on some adult leagues. I have been making crafts for numerous years. I have designed hundreds of cards. Inspiration runs through my veins. I love home decorating. I have created many word quilts and fashioned many unique themes.
I have raised three handsome boys. I have homeschooled for 20 years. I have served on many church committees, served many a meal, and done much mission work. I have taught Sunday School for years, i have passed on my heart of Encouragement to as many as possible. I have written books, spoke at retreats and even developed my our touring conference…… Needless to say i have had alot of compliments over the years.
In all my life, the compliments here and there over all these accomplishments pale in comparison to this one compliment:
“Mom, will you pray for me?”
Two of my sons are already gone from home, with one teenager still at home. It has not been an easy thing to raise kids. Trying to show them how to follow Christ when you are still trying to figure that out yourself.
Not to mention, i am a busy person. My mind and body are engaged most of the time. One day when my son was in great need……he called and asked: “Mom will you pray for me?”
You could hear the desperation in his voice. He was in great need of help. But along the side of desperation was faith. Faith in me that God would listen to me.
Now that is a humbling compliment. That my son wanted me to pray for him because he believed i bend the heart of God! WHOA! I was touched. It was no passing flippant prayer request. It was gut earnest cry for me to go before The Almighty on my son’s behalf.
Now that caused all kinds of emotion to surge through me. Why did he ask me? But there was no denying, he thought if i prayed it would make a difference. Humbly i went before The Lord….
No compliment could ever beat this one. That someone thought my life represented one with great faith in God and in a prayer lifestyle that showed. I was undone.
but not as undone as the answered prayer the next day and days to follow. I was reminded once again, just how Awesome and Powerful my God is and yet so very tender and loving to His children.
May your prayers become as often as your breathing……
AND your faith as steadfast as your heartbeat!
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16