Saved by the Storm
A story of what seemed a bad thing turn to a blessing!
Have you ever grumbled about rain, better yet a thunderstorm “raining out” your plans??!! Recently I got a glimpse of a new view of that thought. It made me really think about how often I am “saved by the storms” of life. I thought about how many times God has put a “storm” in my pathway in order to save me much sorrow, anguish & possible destruction.
This is how this reality came about. We had a friend who just had a baby and I was going to take a meal to her in the evening. But feeling like I did not have the ingredients for a really nice meal, I decided to go to the store to get some special things. However, right after lunch I decided to take a quick nap before heading to the store. That’s when it happened………..
A story of what seemed a bad thing turn to a blessing!
Have you ever grumbled about rain, better yet a thunderstorm “raining out” your plans??!! Recently I got a glimpse of a new view of that thought. It made me really think about how often I am “saved by the storms” of life. I thought about how many times God has put a “storm” in my pathway in order to save me much sorrow, anguish & possible destruction.
This is how this reality came about. We had a friend who just had a baby and I was going to take a meal to her in the evening. But feeling like I did not have the ingredients for a really nice meal, I decided to go to the store to get some special things. However, right after lunch I decided to take a quick nap before heading to the store. That’s when it happened………..
I opened my eyes to a very dark living room. I awakened to the deafening sound of booming thunder and blazing lightening in the sky! Angry clouds swirling around in the sky above the house. “Oh brother, I don’t want to get out in all that mess to go to the store (some distance away).” It was really nasty outside. Even as all those thoughts were swirling through my mind my oldest son was telling me, that we needed to head down to the basement right now. As it ended up we were down in the basement under a tornado warning for over an hour. Sitting listening to the crashing wind & the storm smashing against the basement walls and watching the bolts of lightening through the tiny windows was a bit scary.
When all was “blown over” there was no time to go to the store before preparing the meal for this family. So I had to change my meal plans to a more simpler meal of roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, peaches, biscuits & blueberry cobbler. My husband had asked that I have it ready when he got home from work so that he could drive me and the kids over (the family lived and hour away from us). So I was ready when he came home. The skies had calmed down and it was just cloudy with a sprinkle here and there.
Off we went to our friends house, meal in the back of the car. We were not 15 minutes down the road, when spssssssssss was heard in our ears. Yes, you got it right, we had a flat tire! Well on these country roads there is not always a place to pull over. We found a house driveway soon and pulled into it. We had to unload all the food. My husband said well what a good time to teach our teen boys how to change a tire. So he went through the procedure all the while the rain began again. When they were done, they dirty and wet. My husband being unsure of the spare tire traveling as far as we needed to go said we needed to head home and change vehicles. Happy groans from everyone!
So needless to say we were very late getting the meal to the family waiting on us. And we ourselves got home at 9 pm and skipped our own meal for a good nights rest.
In the morning as I reflected on the storm & how I thought is messed up my plans, I realized it really saved me!! For I would have been the one out in the NASTY storm flagging down help to change a flat tire in the pouring down rain, severe thunder and lighting. That is if the flat tire had not caused me to get into a wreck. Had I persisted to head to the store against common sense, ignoring the bad storm, it would have been a disaster. Praise God He saved me by the storm!
How many times do I grumble against a “storm” of the Spiritual realm, that “blows” into my life and “messes up” my plans?? How often I do not see the “thunder & lightening” as blessings in disguise. I only see perhaps the pain or turmoil of the situation. How could God want this for me? How could He think this was a “good” idea? Doesn’t He know what He is doing? Doesn’t He care what suffering this is???
The Answer to those questions is an undoubtable YES! Yes God does care and YES He does know what He is doing! It is only when I get down in the “basement”, down on my knees in desparate prayer of surrender, and pour out my heart in His Word, are the eyes able to see. Through the tiny “window” you may get a glimpse of what you are being saved from. But many times we are not given that much sight. We just have to trust!!
We have to trust that God is Wise, Right & Good! All He has planned for us will turn out for His glory. The question is………….will we miss it??
Both Job and Joseph come to mind. Neither knew what the future was going to be. And not only that, but things in their lives kept getting worse. Did that mean God had “messed up” or made a mistake. We can see the end of the stories, and know of course that God had a purpose. So it is with our lives too…….
Don’t resist the “storms” God brings in your life. They are there to make you stronger in your trust in God. They make you certainly more faithful in your Faith. And make for a more easy and complete surrender to the Will and Purposes God has you here for!
So prepare for the “Storm”, it’s a comin’! Get water (The prayer life line) & food (God’s Word) and go down to the basement! You will sure to be safe!
But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.
Psalm 33:11
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
Proverbs 16:9