Beltloop Bondage
The “Cell” Jail
The “bondage” to cell phones in today society
This particular article has been on my heart for over a year now. But for fear that all my friends & family will be disgruntled with me, I have not written it until now. And though I could still stand the chance of unhappy responses, I must write on. And I might just say here, this is not about any one person, but a society in general. Nor am I saying that having a cell phone is a sin or wrong. I am NOT saying that at all, so please do not misunderstand. And as I write I realize that there is not a family I know that does not have a cell phone………..but please hear out my “call” to you!
The “Cell” Jail
The “bondage” to cell phones in today society
This particular article has been on my heart for over a year now. But for fear that all my friends & family will be disgruntled with me, I have not written it until now. And though I could still stand the chance of unhappy responses, I must write on. And I might just say here, this is not about any one person, but a society in general. Nor am I saying that having a cell phone is a sin or wrong. I am NOT saying that at all, so please do not misunderstand. And as I write I realize that there is not a family I know that does not have a cell phone………..but please hear out my “call” to you!
I have been observing this trend for some time. Since it has come from a trend into full bloom of necessity, it has changed quite a bit. From the beginning of a few business or traveling men having cell phones as a means to more easily contact their business or home it has become a blown all out of porportion. Due to being busy and away from land phones most of the time this was an extreme help.
However, it has rapidly moved from a convenience of a few business men to become a monster of necessity! Now you see everyone has a cell phone. Family packs are the norm for selling packages. So everyone can have one. You know you need one! So now every man has one, and the wife needs one too. And don’t forget the kids, they may have an emergency we are told.
While I don’t think the cell phone is a bad thing, what is happening in our society because of the availability & miss use of cell phones is sickening!
What would you do if you had an accident or a flat tire one might ask? Well, we have had many of these type of things happen where a “Cell phone” would have been “handy”. And I am not doubting the “handiness” of cell phones in such times. However, each and every time God has allowed us a way out without needing to use one. What did they do years ago before the development of these “beltloop bondage phones”? A good question. Huh?
Now I will say again, I do not have a problem with the idea of the cell phones. I so have a problem with what it is doing to people’s lives. Here is what I see as the “cell jail”. One can not seem to live without one. You see it on every beltloop & purse around. Kids that have no business having one do. And the rudeness that has come along with them has turned me away from ever considering one. I have been in a grocery store and heard women talking to “the air” only to see they are on the cell phone and you can not even get by much less do I want to hear this person’s private conversations. I do not want to hear someone’s heated argument that he is lost into at the gas station counter. It has been proven that there has been a trementdous rise in car accidents since the invasion of high cell phone usage. People just don’t pay attention to their driving when on the phone! It is irritating to get behind someone on their phone! Not to mention, is it not extremely rude to be in a car with someone and be on your cell phone holding a conversation with someone else. Rudeness has come in like a plague. Or better yet better explained as a by negative product of a potential positive helping tool. People don’t even talk to one another anymore they just “text” one another on their phones. What is this world coming too?
Not to mention having the annoying little things beeping off at the most inopportunitive times. Such times as in church services, in the bathroom (made me jump out of my skin!), in a nice restaurant, the library, the hospital, in line. Really anywhere that it invades the quietness or space of another individual is inconsiderate. This is the real problem I have with the cell phones. Is the rude inconsideration our nation now thinks is OK. I mean how rude is it to listen to another woman in the bathroom stall next to you answer her phone and hold a conversation all while using the bathroom! How rude! It concerns me the “craze” of the convenience now claimed “necessity” of cell phone ownership. And that we are becoming a less friendly & gracious people because of this phenomenon is a bit concerning. We are becoming more introverted, lazy, rude & inconsiderate in the mist of valuing this intended helpful convenience.
So I just ask, are you one of these who use your cell phone irresponsibly? Have you thought about the rudeness of having “public conversations”? Have you considered that you might be in “beltloop bondage”~~ cell jail and not know it?
Which is it? You make “The Call”!