O n D i s p l a y
Sunday I listened to a sermon by a former pastor in Louisiana. It really hit me where I needed it. So much so, I listened to it twice in a row. Trying to make sure I “got it”. Though filled to overflowing with “nutrients” for my “hungry” soul, more than I could consume at one time, I did come away with a “snack”. I wanted to share it with you. It has been on my heart for several days.
The sermon text was about Job. And the focus was about Job being on “DISPLAY” for all the world to see God’s Glory displayed in the hardest of circumstances. To his family, friends, his heigbors, to other fellow citizens near and far, to the angels, even to us today. He did not need this major trial in his life to determine his Spiritual Condition, but it revealed it.
Display…….Have you ever been on display for all the world to see how you would respond when things didn’t “pan out right”. When it seems everyone has deserted you. OR maybe when tragedy strikes, and a dear loved one dies suddenly. Perhaps, it is loosing a job. Or it may be the misery of staying in a situation that is very painful. It could be divorce, abuse, infidelity.
You fill in the “blank”, whatever trial you are in………….
Job lost everything, his animals, treasures, even his children. He landed with a nagging wife, traitor friends, and horrendous heath issues. What? All in a VERY short amount of time. If anybody had the “right” by “circumstances” to curse God and die, it was Job!
I will tell you the reason he didn’t! Because he was on “Display” for God! Job’s love and devotion to God was not based on “returned blessings”. But on Faith in the Faithfulness of God! That is what got Job through the hard times of this “Display”! He praised God not matter what the day brought before this horrific trial, he praised God through it and in the end ~ praised God!
In this sermon the picture was presented about “waves crashing” over you, and you may think you are going to “drown” (not get through this trial), but even though the strength of the wave may overpower you, and send you crashing down, it ALSO pushes you further to the shore!! So the preacher passionately described that in the mist of all this that the “Job’s” don’t cry to be taken from the trial, but to be pushed closer and closer to the “shore” God!! It forces us to cling harder, and seek His face more deeply than ever. Job said, “I will praise you in this storm!” As it pushes me with great force to my knees!
I listened to a song this morning that again emphasized what I had been meditating on: Being on Display for the Lord’s Glory. I guess it was heavy on my heart as I and my family had been and still are in a “difficult storm”. It has had much suffering and pain. But as I was walking this song came on, “I will Praise You in this Storm” It spoke about not being taken out of it, but God sustaining you while in the “storm”. A few lines: I will praise You in this storm, I will lift my hands for You are who You are, no matter where I am………though my heart is torn, I will praise You in this storm” It talked about several times of just about giving up but then God was there to help you carry on.
I was encouraged again, that God is always near to me, and He has a plan for this “____” in my life for His “Display of Glory”. It is not in the good times that the “world” will recognize a “displayed” Christian so much as in the trials of life!
Every situation puts us on “Display”
The question is, for Whose glory will it be?
In our most grievous times, the “waves” of grief wash us closer to our God!
Spiritual Encouragement for those desiring to follow Christ with their whole heart.
About Me

- Waves of Grace
- A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Snow Covered Hearts
As I rose this morning and looked out the living room window I was delighted to see, a snow covered world! This was the best snow we have had yet since moving back to Tennessee almost 4 years ago. There is just something so beautiful about seeing a world blanketed in the sparkling fresh white powder!
Not seeing snow often makes for a special sense of wonderment to steal over me at the sight that I beheld. My thoughts immediately went to My Creator. WOW! What beauty He commands, then spreads it out for all His children to enjoy! I noticed that if you were not under a “roof” of some sort, that you got covered! That is what is so magnificent about the sight of snow. It has no respecter of persons so to speak. Whatever it is will get covered if outside, thoroughly and completely, by the white stuff!
Wouldn’t that be neat if we would allow God to so completely and thoroughly cover us in His Will, His Presence, His Ways, His Spirit as I saw the snow cover the earth this morning! I was convicted that I wish I could say I would look like the front yard I was staring out the window at!
Completely covered, every area, sparkling, fresh, brilliant, ready and willing to “reflect” the “Son”!
I noticed that when the sun came out that the snow dazzled so much in it’s reflection of the “Son” (sun), that it blinded my eyes!
Likewise, may God cover us in His blanket of grace, that we will so reflect The “Son,” that all the “icy” hearts around us will know the beauty of a “Snow Covered Heart”!
May I “Winter” these thoughts in my heart all year long!
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Winter Gear
What to wear out in the cold world
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Colossians 3:12-14
What to wear out in the cold world
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Colossians 3:12-14
We recently returned to an old familiar passage to remind us how we are to dress this winter. All of us, some maybe more than others, forget a “piece of clothing” here and there. Dropping off what we don’t want to wear, leaving it where it lay, walking over it, passing over it, but never giving it a second thought. In Christ, we are not given the choice as to what to “wear” nor are we to take what He wants us to wear off.
First Garment Compassion: Gloves Eph. 4:32
Compassion comes in many different forms. Many times our compassion leads us to acts of kindness and service and it should whenever possible. However, not always can we “do” something for someone. Especially if they are a victim of their own sin, but we can still have compassion. Compassion is born in the heart with a love for others. I chose the gloves because of the hands that can PRAY for those people. If there is nothing else, you can do, pray for them! Do not underestimate the power of prayer.
Second Garment Kindness: Boots 1 Thess. 5:15
Kindness is often a “tangible act.” Or it can be a word of kindness, kindness expressed only by our words. But often it is by a meal, a gift, a service, etc. So I chose boots for this “winter gear.” For you have to have good heavy boots to walk a life time of kindness to others!
Third Garment Humility: Socks Phil. 2:3
Humility is an attribute of Christ that is hard to wrap our minds & hearts around. When we look at Christ, He is the perfect picture of humility from His birth through His life, to His death. Socks came instantly to my mind in that it covers the most “offensive” part of our body (stinky and dirty). I was reminded of one of the most humbling acts of service Jesus did in His ministry was to wash His disciples feet! That was an awesome example of humility. He humbled Himself on His knees and cleaned the dirtiest part of the disciples. We need to do likewise. Not just washing of the feet, but humble yourself to your friends, your children, your husband, your neighbors, the lost. Put others first and yourself last in acts of service, conversations, and your heart.
Fourth Garment Gentleness: Pants/dress Phil. 4:5
Gentleness is often a hard one to recognize the “lack of” and often hard to change. God has to do this work in you! I thought of the pants or dress that covers the legs because it reminds me of the part that rushes through, not taking the time to SIT and listen to others, or Sit & take the time to speak kindly, admonish & correct others gently, and to gently discipline our children! Ask God to show you & change you & He will!
Fifth Garment Patience: Scarf Col. 1:11
Have you ever crocheted a scarf? I did that very thing when I first learned to crochet. As a matter of fact, I got so excited I bought enough yarn to make everyone in the family one. Such zeal for my new learned art. However, I did not bargain on how loooooooong it would take to crochet the length of a good, heavy, long wrap around scarf! This was a good lesson for me in patience!! As well, this is how we are to be with others. Patient and long suffering with the lost, with babe Christians, with our spouses mistakes, our kids mess-ups, our neighbors, the person in line in front of you who needs a price check!! Patience is another of the attributes that “autographs” us as genuine Christians!
Sixth Garment Forgiveness: Long Sleeve Shirt Prov. 4:23
If you are going outdoors, you definitely need a warm think long sleeve. Flannels, wool, & corduroys are good for this. Why the shirt for forgiveness? I thought of Jesus on the cross, His hands stretched out, nailed to the cross, representing the ultimate forgiveness. Our Scripture text tells us to bear with one another and to forgive as Christ forgave. It is not a “Choice piece of clothing” but a command. And yes, this is for our own good!
Seventh Garment Love: Coat 1john 3:10-11
I find it interesting that the end of this thought is that LOVE binds all this together. Thus the coat that covers most all the body and has the most warmth, is the coat! Even the above things mean nothing without love! (1 Cor. 13:1-3) To me, love means laying aside all my desires for someone else. Sounds kinda like Jesus when He died for you and me. Not that I am at all even a fraction close to understanding that and obeying like I would like. But I am realizing more and more, it is not about what I do but how I love!
Whatever the reason for discarding the “clothing piece” whether it be itchy, too tight, too loose, not the right color, wanting change etc.
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Praise without ceasing
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
That boy praises without ceasing
Most recently, I was humbly rebuked by a tiny little 4 year old. I share my shame in that maybe you too will find a much needed rebuke as well. We should never think there is nothing to learn from these little ones. For most often if we will simply take the time to watch them, we can understand more what Jesus meant when He said: Mark 10:15 "Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." Forget about what you thought religion was all about and come to Jesus and find out what following and living in to kingdom of the King of Kings is all about!
I do not want to go into a complete & comprehensive explanation of this verse, but an observation of an application. Many times, we make things more complicated than they need to be. So I don’t want to do that, or you will miss the simpleness of the Truth.
In December, we had some very dear close friends come for a visit. They have 3 boys all bundles of joy. The oldest kindergarten age, then the 4 year old and a 10 month old were a delight to have in our home. And we love the parents too. But as the children played, I noticed their carefree hearts. The oldest was not feeling well so he was quieter than normal. But the middle child is the one who had the rebuke for me.
He played for hours upon hours. From the time he got up until he crashed at night, he toddled around and played, making all sorts of things with his imagination. That doesn’t seem so abnormal. But what was different is that he sang the whole time. He never ceased to sing. He was not doing it for attention, for many of the times he played by himself. But he sang the entire day. I asked his father, “Does he ever stop?” He just laughed. I said “that boy Praise (prays) without ceasing” and I thought, if we could only “Praise without ceasing” like Scripture says to “Pray without ceasing”.
The context of that Scripture actually is both:
All rolled up into continues “Prayzing”
May we be like this little boy, and not let the cares of this world steal our joy!
May we praise God without ceasing!
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