Snow Covered Hearts
As I rose this morning and looked out the living room window I was delighted to see, a snow covered world! This was the best snow we have had yet since moving back to Tennessee almost 4 years ago. There is just something so beautiful about seeing a world blanketed in the sparkling fresh white powder!
Not seeing snow often makes for a special sense of wonderment to steal over me at the sight that I beheld. My thoughts immediately went to My Creator. WOW! What beauty He commands, then spreads it out for all His children to enjoy! I noticed that if you were not under a “roof” of some sort, that you got covered! That is what is so magnificent about the sight of snow. It has no respecter of persons so to speak. Whatever it is will get covered if outside, thoroughly and completely, by the white stuff!
Wouldn’t that be neat if we would allow God to so completely and thoroughly cover us in His Will, His Presence, His Ways, His Spirit as I saw the snow cover the earth this morning! I was convicted that I wish I could say I would look like the front yard I was staring out the window at!
Completely covered, every area, sparkling, fresh, brilliant, ready and willing to “reflect” the “Son”!
I noticed that when the sun came out that the snow dazzled so much in it’s reflection of the “Son” (sun), that it blinded my eyes!
Likewise, may God cover us in His blanket of grace, that we will so reflect The “Son,” that all the “icy” hearts around us will know the beauty of a “Snow Covered Heart”!
May I “Winter” these thoughts in my heart all year long!
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