I was peeling potatoes for dinner one night and God gave me a glimpse of just what sin can do to a potato…I mean a life!
I saw the spot but hoped that with one swoosh of the peeler it would be gone and I could go on to the next one. But that is not what happened. I peeled over and over the same spot and instead of it going away….it only got bigger.
I ended up cutting off the whole end. Then I had to take a knife and dig out the rest of the rotten. I sighed when I looked at what was left of the now horrifically deformed potato. It was a mess, nothing of it resembled the potato I had started with.
You ask…why didn’t I just throw it away?……Because God doesn’t throw us away! You bet sin destroys & deforms, sometimes permanently! Yet as God helps you dig out the rotten (sin) in your life, though you may not be as you started, you are still loved and usable to Him.
So I cut up the little part that remained of that potato and it was able to be used as it was intended, yet it was not able to give everything to the purpose (Yummy garlic mashed potatoes for company!) However, it was still used!
In our lives, knowing how difficult sin is to cut out of our lives…..the best thing to do, it not let it come in and take up “residence” with us! It will in no time spread and root itself and rot us from the inside out!
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
Spiritual Encouragement for those desiring to follow Christ with their whole heart.
About Me

- Waves of Grace
- A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Cutting out Sin!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Upside down Thinking
Upside down Thinking
The Lord showed me a picture of myself! So get out your mirrors……I think you might see the same picture! Driving down the back roads home I saw this pitiful sight. In the middle of the road was a turtle, on it’s back, all four arms reaching up for help!
That is how we are! Completely dependent on God for everything. There was no way without someone intervening in that little turtle’s life to reach down and turn him over would he survive. That is so true for us. If God had not reached down when I was dead in my sins to save me…..I would be like that turtle without hope.
The Same is true though for our everyday living as Christians. We need to surrender everything and let God do with us what He has planned. We need to reach out our hands and hearts up to God because we can’t live this life without His help in……”turning us over” to be more like HIM!…..
So get on your backs “spiritually speaking”
and let God do the rest!
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9