What happens when your
“gift” gets “canned”
All of the microorganisms of Faith get killed!
(a laughable quote from my son--- who did not like canning!)
Well ladies, I feel as though I need to introduce myself again!! For it has been SOOOOOOO long since I wrote anything on this blog. But yes I am still among the living! Actually, those of you who know me personally, I need to apologize for my inward focus as of lately. I will explain………
Where to begin………well first let me just address the “gift” part of this title. I have never been one to think much of Bible studies devoted to “finding your Spiritual gift”. I think it is a waste of focus (my opinion of course!). The reason I think this way is actually quite simple. If you are walking in complete obedience to God. If you love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength, and your neighbor as yourself……………guess what happens??
Your Spiritual Gift(s) will show up!
You will already be doing them!
Probably two of my Spiritual gifts that seem to “show up” the most in my heart and my actions are Encouragement & Hospitality. I love doing both! And when I am prompted or see a need. Know of someone down or discouraged, Someone challenged in obedience, or just needs a hug—then it is my greatest joy to serve God in sending them a Word of encouragement. This is my heartbeat!
BUT when I get too busy to encourage others that come across my paths in need. When I ignore the promptings of God because I am too busy. Then I am in disobedience and I suffer greatly. This recently happened to me and I was a wreck! So many people (and people I dearly love!) I just basically ignored because I was busy!
I have written before and am a big “soap box” fan speaking directly against being too busy. Yet very cleverly the enemy satan so arrange a sneaky assault on me that I was not aware until I was buried under a great load.
Here is what happened. This is the second year of canning for us. I have made apple butter for years. And last year I did do a lot of canning too. It was rough then too! But I did not know as many people then and it seemed not so bad. But this year was the first year we had a garden that produced anything. From the mid month of May up to last week, I went 90 to nothing. Very unuasal for me. But there are things in life that do make for hectic times (such as my son getting Baptized, a death of a dear youth at church and the possible adoption all in one week!) But from that we went out of town and had some company a few times. Not to mention my husband traveled a few trips in this time frame. As well as putting our house up for sale and getting things fixed, repaired, & cleaned and keeping it that way. But if that were not enough………
In June for two weeks we went Wild Blackberry picking each morning until about noon. Since we could not get blueberries this season as the frost had gotten them. I made two batches of jam and froze the rest. They were very yummy! Then the garden stuff came rolling in!
It also ran smack into canning season! A lady down the road from me shared her garden with me and I mean shared. She had the most fabulous growing garden ever! So though I bought a bit from a lady I knew to help out with what I thought I needed, the rest came from the lady down the street. She was so generous. So I just kept canning and canning and canning! It all started with a cucumber, or shall I say hundreds of cucumbers. Before I knew it, I was in a real pickle!! I canned so many different kinds of pickles, I think I could feed a starving country----I just did not know when to quit. My kids at this point (which was at the beginning of the season) were ready to scream if someone gave us one more cucumber!! So I did give some to the pigs simply because I could not get to them all. My kitchen ahhhhh let’s just say there was not a place to sit! We will never eat all those pickles. And I kept having my husband stop by and pick me up more jars and spices (I was drowning in my canner!!) We spent a “fortune” on canning jars!! It really put me in a pickle as I said, and this was just the start!
Snapping green beans all day and into the night many many times! My children thought I was a harsh task master, but I just could not throw them away…..That was just the beginning! Did I mention shelling 2 huge bushels of purple hull peas too?? She shared tomatoes galore, plus more! Plus our garden had tomatoes. I gleaned from another place of tomatoes. I actually at one point had so much tomatoes juiced to be canned and I was so weary I ended up wasting two huge pots full. I made V-8 juice, spaghetti sauce, tomato soup, tomato paste, tomato juice, whole tomatoes, ketchup, & salsa. Then peppers came popping out. I did jalapeno peppers until I do not wish to see another!! My hands were about to fall off by then. This was not to mention the stuff that went into the freezer (squash, zucchini, okra, onions, cabbage). Also, we canned 3 bushels of peaches. That day was not too bad, we had a good time all together working---but we were tired.
But during all this time, the world kept spinning while I was whizzing around dead on my feet in the kitchen. But things began to fall apart and unravel quickly…….i began to get grouchy, my kids were not getting a break from work either. We still had to do the bare necessities cooking cleaning, laundry, taking care of the animals etc. We had company a few times and a few birthdays in the middle of all this. And many many times It took me days to finish the table load of food. But then it would get filled again and again. So many opportunities went by to help others. I noticed I began to say things and not follow thru like saying I would call someone and not do it. I was unable to return emails or phone calls. One of my sons and I frequently went into big arguments (which was not normal). It really took over my life. My poor neighbor who I was hoping I was being a witness to must have thought I only wanted to be her friend for her garden, which was not true. But I was canning so much I did not have time to go to visit her. And when I did she gave me more garden stuff!
Let me say here that I am not complaining that I was blessed indeed by food this year. And canning is my no means a sin. But ignoring the Lord and what He tells me to do, and ignoring people who are in your life because you (i) was too busy canning, is a sin.
It all came to a head one week. Here is what happened: I had gone down to visit in the evening with my neighbor (the garden lady) a bit, I knew her mother had been in the hospital and had come home that day. So I took her some bread and visited with her a bit. The next morning as I was having my quiet time an ambulance and police cars went down the road. I just knew it was the lady’s mom. I was prompted to get up and go to her. But I was paralyzed with fear and I had a “ton” of canning to do. So I turn my ear away from the needs of my neighbor, and went on with the so called “important” things of my life. Besides someone else can help her I told myself.
It was one week later, ashamedly, I went down to visit with her. I asked about her mom. She said through shaking sobs that her mother had died during the night/early morning of the day I had visited last. She went of crying her heart out and told me every detail. She spared nothing and it was quite a horrific scene that she shared with me. And her words………….and I was all alone, I did have anyone to help me……………..had a immense effect on me. Boy did they ever! I was not there for her! Oh I was a sober person walking home that day. Not only was I not there for her, but it took me one week to get back to see her. I am so ashamed. That is not in Christ’s likeness at all! I was overtook with grief. I was crushed under the immense conviction of the Holy Spirit. It was all to obvious that I was having a half hearted relationship with my Jesus. I had been under conviction some the Wednesday night before (which prompted me to gooooooo to see my neighbor the next morning). Boy I cried off and on that whole day and at Bible study that night I just had the tears streaming down my cheeks of how I had disappointed my Father, who has lavished His love so freely on me.
*A Broken and contrite heart I (God) will not turn away*
is a beautiful thing
The next day my sister came for a visit and we cleaned for two days, on Saturday i got the call that my fruit was in!! I just wanted to cry! I was trying to change yet, the end was not over yet! And I must finish what I committed too financially I had purchased this order though 6 weeks prior. I was beyond discouragement……………….but I did cancel the next order arriving in September. Now I had two HUGE bushels of apples to peel, core, slice, cook, blend, can into applesauce. Plus 4 boxes of grapes to juice. On the second day of apples & grapes I got the call that my pears were in that was supposed to come with the peaches I had done a few weeks back!! Discouraged!! Will it ever end?! I was scared that my repentant heart did not mean anything---yet I was stuck! It was a YUCKY thing! We canned yet another week. BUT then we were done! NO MORE I said. I must stop and be obedient!
I know we are still learning how much will last all year and that takes some doing. As well, as my husband and I desire this kind of life style so it was not wrong for me to can. Yet because I did not stop and represent Christ Jesus when He so desired me to, was wrong. And I deeply regret not talking with my dearest dearest friends. That my family had to suffer with me not at my best. I can only pray that God will indeed allow me to redeem the opportunities lost. And that He will not allow me to fall in to that trap again. So to note:
When your “gifting” gets “canned” it really “spoils” everything!
I can truly say that some 1,000 jars later
“gift” gets “canned”
All of the microorganisms of Faith get killed!
(a laughable quote from my son--- who did not like canning!)
Well ladies, I feel as though I need to introduce myself again!! For it has been SOOOOOOO long since I wrote anything on this blog. But yes I am still among the living! Actually, those of you who know me personally, I need to apologize for my inward focus as of lately. I will explain………

Where to begin………well first let me just address the “gift” part of this title. I have never been one to think much of Bible studies devoted to “finding your Spiritual gift”. I think it is a waste of focus (my opinion of course!). The reason I think this way is actually quite simple. If you are walking in complete obedience to God. If you love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength, and your neighbor as yourself……………guess what happens??
Your Spiritual Gift(s) will show up!
You will already be doing them!
Probably two of my Spiritual gifts that seem to “show up” the most in my heart and my actions are Encouragement & Hospitality. I love doing both! And when I am prompted or see a need. Know of someone down or discouraged, Someone challenged in obedience, or just needs a hug—then it is my greatest joy to serve God in sending them a Word of encouragement. This is my heartbeat!
BUT when I get too busy to encourage others that come across my paths in need. When I ignore the promptings of God because I am too busy. Then I am in disobedience and I suffer greatly. This recently happened to me and I was a wreck! So many people (and people I dearly love!) I just basically ignored because I was busy!
I have written before and am a big “soap box” fan speaking directly against being too busy. Yet very cleverly the enemy satan so arrange a sneaky assault on me that I was not aware until I was buried under a great load.
Here is what happened. This is the second year of canning for us. I have made apple butter for years. And last year I did do a lot of canning too. It was rough then too! But I did not know as many people then and it seemed not so bad. But this year was the first year we had a garden that produced anything. From the mid month of May up to last week, I went 90 to nothing. Very unuasal for me. But there are things in life that do make for hectic times (such as my son getting Baptized, a death of a dear youth at church and the possible adoption all in one week!) But from that we went out of town and had some company a few times. Not to mention my husband traveled a few trips in this time frame. As well as putting our house up for sale and getting things fixed, repaired, & cleaned and keeping it that way. But if that were not enough………
In June for two weeks we went Wild Blackberry picking each morning until about noon. Since we could not get blueberries this season as the frost had gotten them. I made two batches of jam and froze the rest. They were very yummy! Then the garden stuff came rolling in!
It also ran smack into canning season! A lady down the road from me shared her garden with me and I mean shared. She had the most fabulous growing garden ever! So though I bought a bit from a lady I knew to help out with what I thought I needed, the rest came from the lady down the street. She was so generous. So I just kept canning and canning and canning! It all started with a cucumber, or shall I say hundreds of cucumbers. Before I knew it, I was in a real pickle!! I canned so many different kinds of pickles, I think I could feed a starving country----I just did not know when to quit. My kids at this point (which was at the beginning of the season) were ready to scream if someone gave us one more cucumber!! So I did give some to the pigs simply because I could not get to them all. My kitchen ahhhhh let’s just say there was not a place to sit! We will never eat all those pickles. And I kept having my husband stop by and pick me up more jars and spices (I was drowning in my canner!!) We spent a “fortune” on canning jars!! It really put me in a pickle as I said, and this was just the start!
Snapping green beans all day and into the night many many times! My children thought I was a harsh task master, but I just could not throw them away…..That was just the beginning! Did I mention shelling 2 huge bushels of purple hull peas too?? She shared tomatoes galore, plus more! Plus our garden had tomatoes. I gleaned from another place of tomatoes. I actually at one point had so much tomatoes juiced to be canned and I was so weary I ended up wasting two huge pots full. I made V-8 juice, spaghetti sauce, tomato soup, tomato paste, tomato juice, whole tomatoes, ketchup, & salsa. Then peppers came popping out. I did jalapeno peppers until I do not wish to see another!! My hands were about to fall off by then. This was not to mention the stuff that went into the freezer (squash, zucchini, okra, onions, cabbage). Also, we canned 3 bushels of peaches. That day was not too bad, we had a good time all together working---but we were tired.
But during all this time, the world kept spinning while I was whizzing around dead on my feet in the kitchen. But things began to fall apart and unravel quickly…….i began to get grouchy, my kids were not getting a break from work either. We still had to do the bare necessities cooking cleaning, laundry, taking care of the animals etc. We had company a few times and a few birthdays in the middle of all this. And many many times It took me days to finish the table load of food. But then it would get filled again and again. So many opportunities went by to help others. I noticed I began to say things and not follow thru like saying I would call someone and not do it. I was unable to return emails or phone calls. One of my sons and I frequently went into big arguments (which was not normal). It really took over my life. My poor neighbor who I was hoping I was being a witness to must have thought I only wanted to be her friend for her garden, which was not true. But I was canning so much I did not have time to go to visit her. And when I did she gave me more garden stuff!
Let me say here that I am not complaining that I was blessed indeed by food this year. And canning is my no means a sin. But ignoring the Lord and what He tells me to do, and ignoring people who are in your life because you (i) was too busy canning, is a sin.
It all came to a head one week. Here is what happened: I had gone down to visit in the evening with my neighbor (the garden lady) a bit, I knew her mother had been in the hospital and had come home that day. So I took her some bread and visited with her a bit. The next morning as I was having my quiet time an ambulance and police cars went down the road. I just knew it was the lady’s mom. I was prompted to get up and go to her. But I was paralyzed with fear and I had a “ton” of canning to do. So I turn my ear away from the needs of my neighbor, and went on with the so called “important” things of my life. Besides someone else can help her I told myself.
It was one week later, ashamedly, I went down to visit with her. I asked about her mom. She said through shaking sobs that her mother had died during the night/early morning of the day I had visited last. She went of crying her heart out and told me every detail. She spared nothing and it was quite a horrific scene that she shared with me. And her words………….and I was all alone, I did have anyone to help me……………..had a immense effect on me. Boy did they ever! I was not there for her! Oh I was a sober person walking home that day. Not only was I not there for her, but it took me one week to get back to see her. I am so ashamed. That is not in Christ’s likeness at all! I was overtook with grief. I was crushed under the immense conviction of the Holy Spirit. It was all to obvious that I was having a half hearted relationship with my Jesus. I had been under conviction some the Wednesday night before (which prompted me to gooooooo to see my neighbor the next morning). Boy I cried off and on that whole day and at Bible study that night I just had the tears streaming down my cheeks of how I had disappointed my Father, who has lavished His love so freely on me.
*A Broken and contrite heart I (God) will not turn away*
is a beautiful thing
The next day my sister came for a visit and we cleaned for two days, on Saturday i got the call that my fruit was in!! I just wanted to cry! I was trying to change yet, the end was not over yet! And I must finish what I committed too financially I had purchased this order though 6 weeks prior. I was beyond discouragement……………….but I did cancel the next order arriving in September. Now I had two HUGE bushels of apples to peel, core, slice, cook, blend, can into applesauce. Plus 4 boxes of grapes to juice. On the second day of apples & grapes I got the call that my pears were in that was supposed to come with the peaches I had done a few weeks back!! Discouraged!! Will it ever end?! I was scared that my repentant heart did not mean anything---yet I was stuck! It was a YUCKY thing! We canned yet another week. BUT then we were done! NO MORE I said. I must stop and be obedient!
I know we are still learning how much will last all year and that takes some doing. As well, as my husband and I desire this kind of life style so it was not wrong for me to can. Yet because I did not stop and represent Christ Jesus when He so desired me to, was wrong. And I deeply regret not talking with my dearest dearest friends. That my family had to suffer with me not at my best. I can only pray that God will indeed allow me to redeem the opportunities lost. And that He will not allow me to fall in to that trap again. So to note:
When your “gifting” gets “canned” it really “spoils” everything!
I can truly say that some 1,000 jars later
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