Words say so much
Every word matters!
Matthew 12;33-37
Every word matters!
Matthew 12;33-37
"Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
Matthew 12:33-37

I have been reading in the book of Matthew this week. As I came across this passage, I was very convicted. Even though God has been doing some mighty changes in me in this area of my words. Including joking (though seemingly innocent), tones, anger, slander, just ugly comments about others to puff myself up etc. These indeed must not be in one of His children and He began many years ago to purge these from my life. So that I would become more of Him and less of me.
This whole passage is a VERY sobering one!! Extremely strong language! Not too long ago I told my boys in morning Bible study that our tongues (the words we speak) really is over half of our walk!! More like 90 % cent of illuminating or desecrating Christ Jesus in our lives is done through our speech!! This has really been a burden on me and I pray for my family as well. I see with such awe God changing us.
The first part of the passage speaks of fruit. What fruit shows on your “tree” for all to pass by and partake of. Is it the good fruit of kind words, encouragement, uplifting conversations, thinking/speaking the best of others (Phil 4:8, Gal. 5:22-23).
Or is it just like the world, who seeks their own justice, retaliates when hurt, demands their rights, gets angry at anything done wrong to them, can joke like t he best of ‘em, complain about how their lives are etc. What kind of fruit is on your tree? Not whether it is apples, peaches, pears etc. But is it mostly fresh, bright, heathy & good. OR rotten & worm infested? Think back to the list I mentioned. How much of our fruit is shown in the words that come from our hearts? There is no way to “hide” what is been living in your heart, it will eventually “come up” when you least expect it. It will either be from the good store up in your heart that words of compassion reach others ears or from the evil stored up inside your heart will belch out evil words.
As if that were not enough He goes on………….to tell us that we will give an account for EVERY careless word!! I don’t know about you but that ouches!!
WOW! Every careless word! So does that mean in order to “obey” this one must become a monk and never speak?? By no means! Because that would be easy wouldn’t it? Except that then you would still be plagued by evil thoughts and actions if that is what you are storing up inside yourself!
Thus the only way to “obey” this Scripture is to OBEY it! Take captive every thought so that you make your words “Obedient” to Christ! This is moment by moment, preferring others over yourself. This my friend will Glorify The King!
Then to speak on the last verse which is chilling! By our VERY WORDS we will be condemned or saved! WOW! It is a matter of the heart. Again our words only reveal what we have saved up in our hearts. In essence, our words are the “overflow” of our hearts. Thus our heart of gratitude and proclamation of Who Jesus is & what He did for us. Our cry Abba Father I need You to save me! And our confession of our filthiness before God & repentance will acquit us.
Or by our words we will be condemned. What will it be?................
Choose your words carefully!
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