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A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Riptide Christians

Allow God to take you wherever He wishes!

I was leaning over the railing at Monterey Bay watching the sea otters and harbor seals play. They are so cute as they splashed at each other, dive under the water, come up laughing (barking). They seem to have this serenity about them that just amazed me. It did appear that life was all about fun and games. I watched mesmerized by their carefree nature. I knew God had a lesson for me….

I want to be like the animals of the ocean, the sea otters, sea lions, dolphins and seals; allowing God to take me wherever the current flows for His glory and His “porpoise”! I don’t want to be held back by worry or fear nor shackled by bitterness and hate. I want to be free to go with the flow! Now, the sea animals do swim and go where they want to in a general sense, but the current tides do take them in and out.

I want to be like the dolphins when the tide takes me out into the depths of the seas making me rely on God in a BIG OCEAN (world). Boy that can mean an ocean full of things from moving across country to a new community, going to a new church, getting a new job, giving a speech in front of hundreds of people, getting married, having children, etc…..

I want to be like the seals when the tide crashes me on the rocks of life, causing me to cling to God for every breath. This may be a loss of a job, a loss of health, a divorce, cancer, death of a loved one, depression, etc.

Go with the flow and let God grow you whether you are in the depths of the sea with darkness surrounding you or the searing pain you experience as you are dashed against the rocks. Cling desperately to Him; allow Him to have His way in your life.

My prayer for you and me:

That we go freely and joyfully wherever He takes me!

A song comes to mind that expresses this thought

Wherever He leads I’ll go B.B.McKinney

“Take up thy cross and follow Me” I heard my Master say; “I gave My life to ransom thee surrender your all today!”

He drew me closer to His side, I sought His will to know; And in that will I now abide—wherever He leads I’ll go.

It may be thru the shadows dim or o’er the stormy sea; I take my cross and follow Him—Wherever He leadeth me.

My heart, my life, my all I bring to Christ who loves me so; He is my Master, Lord and King—wherever He leads I’ll go!

Wherever He leads I’ll go, Wherever He leads I’ll go
I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so—wherever He leads I’ll go!

L i v e L i f e on “P o r p o i s e”!

And then He said to them all: “If anyone would come after Me,
he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me!”
Luke 9:23


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