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A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Invisible Rainbows


      One of the most amazing sights are rainbows! The are scientifically complex yet spiritually simple.  They are the zodiac of a stormy sky!  Their brilliance immeasurable.  They have an aurora of mystery surrounding them that still baffles people today.   For those who are not Christians….it is just a gathering of colors displayed for their observance. 

    But to the children of God….they have much meaning. It is a sign, a message if you will, from God!  It tells us that God remembers us, He loves us and he is watching over us! Isn’t that magnificent!  Yes indeed it also means that God will never again flood the earth but it means so much more!

      This year has been a very difficult year….It seems as though it has been one storm after another.  The dark clouds of uncertainty lingered over my head along with storms of suffering and trials of great magnitude.  How I longed to see the “Rainbows” in the darkest of days.

      This is what I learned……that the rainbows are always there….it’s just takes the stormy dark clouds to display them!  The harder the storm the brighter the rainbow after it passes!  So it is in our journey.  The harder the suffering and trials…the more beautiful the “rainbows” of refinement.  

      God’s promises are true whether or not a rainbow shows up!  It’s just occasionally we need a reminder that God is wise, right, and good in all He does.  And that He loves us and all His promises are true!

      Rainbows are God’s hugs to us!  The next time it storms in your life….wrap yourself up in His Rainbow!

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. 

Genesis 9:16


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