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A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.

Friday, December 06, 2013

The Art of Listening


The art of listening begins with these two words:

         SHUT UP

The art of listening is nearly extinct.  In observation…..the thought of attentively listening because you care about the person speaking just doesn’t happen these days.  We have become such a self centered self absorb, instant chat society. 

Just send me an email or better yet, just text me……has become our mantra.   But it leaves behind the beauty that comes from the art of listening!  Just as with all the “arts” there is a beauty that can be gained by the user. 

One of the hardest things in a conversation is to be quiet.  As self centered creatures, we have a natural knack of turning the conversation back to ourselves.  Or “upping” the other person with one of our stories.  Or we constantly interrupt.

As I have prayed to become more like God, He has shown me much.  This is an area I greatly lacked in.  But the joy of sitting across the table with a friend or stranger and letting her bear her heart, without my  interruption, my advice, my scripture input, without looking at my watch or yawning.   Learned forward intently listening, digesting, praying and loving….that is the art of listening. 

For practice God has put me in countless situations/conversations where I have actually had some pretty heavy stuff going on in my own life…..the temptation to unburden was strong.   I have had to encourage someone else while my own heart was breaking.   But the beauty is….the art of listening is coming forth.   I gain overflowing joy by putting the other person first by engaging in this art of  listening to them.

The art of giving of ourselves 100 percent in a conversation without getting

anything in return is a masterpiece worth keeping!


Shut Up & Listen Up!


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