Beautiful Hands
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16
Recently I asked a “handful” of friends to put their “hands together” in prayer for me and my son. I only told a few ladies, not that more would not have prayed but it was such a sensitive subject and I was so out of control of my emotions that I could not speak about it. I want to share with you the power of prayer. God has had mercy upon all of us during this time of prayer. I would like to share the Mercy of the Lord with you. To protect my son, and not to make this article Tooooooo looooooong to read. I am not going to discuss all the details & to keep this simple.
We are not sure what really happened to my son, but he sorta had an anxiety breakdown about 4 weeks ago. This was TOTALLY not his normal self at all. He is a very loving, gentle young man. He had really began to show The Fruit of the Spirit in his love for others and putting others first including his brothers. God had really done a Supernatural Work of Salvation in him this year. So we do not fear for his eternal life. I say all this so you have a basis to know just how different the “break down” made him.
He has always had an interest in Law so he got some books at the library. I long time ago quite reviewing his reading material as he is a speed reader and I would never get anything done if I did. Not to mention that by 11th grade he is well able to discern what is good and bad. Needless to say, he got this book on law and it had very detailed cases of domestic violence. He quit reading the book and was so shook up that he begged me to pray with him almost hourly. He read his Bible, prayed, sang. Just trying to walk in the Spirit. Yet this info was so disturbing. I can not discount the fact that I feel satan took full advantage of my son’s vulnerability at that time and sifted him without ceasing. He could not do his school work. He was unable to do his chores. He wanted only to be with us (the family) continually night and day he would not leave the room we were in. He lost all desire of other things on the farm. He did not want to take his driving lessons etc. It was so debilitating. This was VERY scary to me as a mom. To see my normally VERY capable young man, turn to an incapable little child. He was not rebellious or angry. He cried about his problem. But we were all stunned. Our son when he was two had cancer and went through intense treatment for 2 ½ years and we thought perhaps his cancer was back. Whatever it was, it was defiantly something really really bad. He then went to washing his hands constantly. He began to pick up trash of the ground/floor down to little tiny specks. Just obsessed with his hands. He did not want to give anyone the cold he had at the time. He carried things in his arms or by his pinky finger. He shook hands oddly. And so on…………
I cried many nights on my pillows. Prayed many mornings in the quiet hours alone. This was a HUGE change and a HUGE burden. What could we do? He had his yearly cancer check up coming within a few weeks so we held out for it and thought we would talk to the Doctors then. Sunday a lady caught me before we left church (we did not want our son made fun of or be in an awkward situation so we left). She hugged me and asked what was wrong. I began to cry and she held me while I told her that something was terribly wrong with our son. She said she would pray. I asked her to tell two other ladies I knew would pray too. I talked with a friend out of town and she was praying. We did talk to one of our Pastor/Friends. And he gave us very good counsel. He talked with Samuel and gave him very encouraging counsel. It was the first reprieve we had. His next day (Monday) was better. Tues. & Wed were ok. Thursday was his appointment at the Doctors in Memphis. It was a long day. The Doctors there were very alert to our son’s situation and immediately thought he should see a psycho and be put on med. We said absolutely no. And eventually the social worker let it drop & she would check in with us in a month. I say all that to share the answers to prayer I saw. Now I do not know what these ladies prayed and even some may have fasted on our behalf. Words can not even begin to express my gratitude of the time spent in prayer on my behalf!!
1. Safety in travel to & from Memphis.
2. Complete calmness in the three days prior to Dr. visit. Our son seemed to be less troubled.
3. His lab results showed he is still in remission!
4. He was checked as well for brain tumor—good report there too.
5. We asked for discernment in what they may suggest as treatment for our son. This was the hardest trial. Yet I saw answered prayers their too. God gave us peace in the midst of the world’s view.
6. We were able to take the planned overnight trip after that, my son did very well.
7. I am assured in my heart that God is in control and that He loves my son more than my husband and myself.
8. I was afraid I would be just a basket full of tears!! I usually cry when I am there. Yet God just dried up the river! That was so unusual!
9. We were sustained in the entire day going here and there to all the different clinics and tests we had to do.
10. Our son share much about God and The Gospel as he explained his problem. That was neat!
11. Our son told the social worker in very kind but firm terms he did not want to be seen alone. Anything she had to say could be said in front of us his parents.
12. We are home and still working through this issue but we KNOW we are not alone!!
How does one put a “price tag” on prayer?
Thank you to each person who went to the Throne on our behalf!
Spiritual Encouragement for those desiring to follow Christ with their whole heart.
About Me

- Waves of Grace
- A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sold Out for JESUS!
What would you trade for Jesus?
Matthew 13:44-46
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:44-46
What would you give in exchange for Jesus?
This was a parable Jesus taught. He is not saying you can “purchase” salvation. So please do not misunderstand what I am saying. BUT, it was the joy, excitement and TRUE value that was placed on the hidden treasure and the pearls that caused the person to SELL EVERYTHING they had to get it.
I am awed by their COMPLETE love of t his treasure. Do we love Christ that way? Are we “Sold out to Him and Him alone”? I fear t hat I could not say I have done as these in the parable with my “treasured” Salvation. Not that it is an exchange, but a heart of gratitude that NOTHING can compare to the “Treasure” of having Christ Jesus as my Lord and Master. How do I treat my “Precious Treasure”? Have I “sold” everything that I desire to be to be His Only? Have I “sold” my agenda to the “plans” Christ has for me? Have I “sold” out my life for my husband and see to his every need & desire as though he is Christ to me? Have I “sold” out my desire to use my tongue as an evil weapon or letting my gentleness be evident to all? Have I “sold” out all my control of the future to the Sovereign Hand of God? Have I “sold” out my time for the investment of training my children in The Way they should go?
He paid the Price to make you “Sold”!
What would you trade for Jesus?
Matthew 13:44-46
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:44-46
What would you give in exchange for Jesus?
This was a parable Jesus taught. He is not saying you can “purchase” salvation. So please do not misunderstand what I am saying. BUT, it was the joy, excitement and TRUE value that was placed on the hidden treasure and the pearls that caused the person to SELL EVERYTHING they had to get it.
I am awed by their COMPLETE love of t his treasure. Do we love Christ that way? Are we “Sold out to Him and Him alone”? I fear t hat I could not say I have done as these in the parable with my “treasured” Salvation. Not that it is an exchange, but a heart of gratitude that NOTHING can compare to the “Treasure” of having Christ Jesus as my Lord and Master. How do I treat my “Precious Treasure”? Have I “sold” everything that I desire to be to be His Only? Have I “sold” my agenda to the “plans” Christ has for me? Have I “sold” out my life for my husband and see to his every need & desire as though he is Christ to me? Have I “sold” out my desire to use my tongue as an evil weapon or letting my gentleness be evident to all? Have I “sold” out all my control of the future to the Sovereign Hand of God? Have I “sold” out my time for the investment of training my children in The Way they should go?
He paid the Price to make you “Sold”!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Words say so much
Every word matters!
Matthew 12;33-37
Every word matters!
Matthew 12;33-37
"Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
Matthew 12:33-37

I have been reading in the book of Matthew this week. As I came across this passage, I was very convicted. Even though God has been doing some mighty changes in me in this area of my words. Including joking (though seemingly innocent), tones, anger, slander, just ugly comments about others to puff myself up etc. These indeed must not be in one of His children and He began many years ago to purge these from my life. So that I would become more of Him and less of me.
This whole passage is a VERY sobering one!! Extremely strong language! Not too long ago I told my boys in morning Bible study that our tongues (the words we speak) really is over half of our walk!! More like 90 % cent of illuminating or desecrating Christ Jesus in our lives is done through our speech!! This has really been a burden on me and I pray for my family as well. I see with such awe God changing us.
The first part of the passage speaks of fruit. What fruit shows on your “tree” for all to pass by and partake of. Is it the good fruit of kind words, encouragement, uplifting conversations, thinking/speaking the best of others (Phil 4:8, Gal. 5:22-23).
Or is it just like the world, who seeks their own justice, retaliates when hurt, demands their rights, gets angry at anything done wrong to them, can joke like t he best of ‘em, complain about how their lives are etc. What kind of fruit is on your tree? Not whether it is apples, peaches, pears etc. But is it mostly fresh, bright, heathy & good. OR rotten & worm infested? Think back to the list I mentioned. How much of our fruit is shown in the words that come from our hearts? There is no way to “hide” what is been living in your heart, it will eventually “come up” when you least expect it. It will either be from the good store up in your heart that words of compassion reach others ears or from the evil stored up inside your heart will belch out evil words.
As if that were not enough He goes on………….to tell us that we will give an account for EVERY careless word!! I don’t know about you but that ouches!!
WOW! Every careless word! So does that mean in order to “obey” this one must become a monk and never speak?? By no means! Because that would be easy wouldn’t it? Except that then you would still be plagued by evil thoughts and actions if that is what you are storing up inside yourself!
Thus the only way to “obey” this Scripture is to OBEY it! Take captive every thought so that you make your words “Obedient” to Christ! This is moment by moment, preferring others over yourself. This my friend will Glorify The King!
Then to speak on the last verse which is chilling! By our VERY WORDS we will be condemned or saved! WOW! It is a matter of the heart. Again our words only reveal what we have saved up in our hearts. In essence, our words are the “overflow” of our hearts. Thus our heart of gratitude and proclamation of Who Jesus is & what He did for us. Our cry Abba Father I need You to save me! And our confession of our filthiness before God & repentance will acquit us.
Or by our words we will be condemned. What will it be?................
Choose your words carefully!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
What happens when your
“gift” gets “canned”
All of the microorganisms of Faith get killed!
(a laughable quote from my son--- who did not like canning!)
Well ladies, I feel as though I need to introduce myself again!! For it has been SOOOOOOO long since I wrote anything on this blog. But yes I am still among the living! Actually, those of you who know me personally, I need to apologize for my inward focus as of lately. I will explain………
Where to begin………well first let me just address the “gift” part of this title. I have never been one to think much of Bible studies devoted to “finding your Spiritual gift”. I think it is a waste of focus (my opinion of course!). The reason I think this way is actually quite simple. If you are walking in complete obedience to God. If you love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength, and your neighbor as yourself……………guess what happens??
Your Spiritual Gift(s) will show up!
You will already be doing them!
Probably two of my Spiritual gifts that seem to “show up” the most in my heart and my actions are Encouragement & Hospitality. I love doing both! And when I am prompted or see a need. Know of someone down or discouraged, Someone challenged in obedience, or just needs a hug—then it is my greatest joy to serve God in sending them a Word of encouragement. This is my heartbeat!
BUT when I get too busy to encourage others that come across my paths in need. When I ignore the promptings of God because I am too busy. Then I am in disobedience and I suffer greatly. This recently happened to me and I was a wreck! So many people (and people I dearly love!) I just basically ignored because I was busy!
I have written before and am a big “soap box” fan speaking directly against being too busy. Yet very cleverly the enemy satan so arrange a sneaky assault on me that I was not aware until I was buried under a great load.
Here is what happened. This is the second year of canning for us. I have made apple butter for years. And last year I did do a lot of canning too. It was rough then too! But I did not know as many people then and it seemed not so bad. But this year was the first year we had a garden that produced anything. From the mid month of May up to last week, I went 90 to nothing. Very unuasal for me. But there are things in life that do make for hectic times (such as my son getting Baptized, a death of a dear youth at church and the possible adoption all in one week!) But from that we went out of town and had some company a few times. Not to mention my husband traveled a few trips in this time frame. As well as putting our house up for sale and getting things fixed, repaired, & cleaned and keeping it that way. But if that were not enough………
In June for two weeks we went Wild Blackberry picking each morning until about noon. Since we could not get blueberries this season as the frost had gotten them. I made two batches of jam and froze the rest. They were very yummy! Then the garden stuff came rolling in!
It also ran smack into canning season! A lady down the road from me shared her garden with me and I mean shared. She had the most fabulous growing garden ever! So though I bought a bit from a lady I knew to help out with what I thought I needed, the rest came from the lady down the street. She was so generous. So I just kept canning and canning and canning! It all started with a cucumber, or shall I say hundreds of cucumbers. Before I knew it, I was in a real pickle!! I canned so many different kinds of pickles, I think I could feed a starving country----I just did not know when to quit. My kids at this point (which was at the beginning of the season) were ready to scream if someone gave us one more cucumber!! So I did give some to the pigs simply because I could not get to them all. My kitchen ahhhhh let’s just say there was not a place to sit! We will never eat all those pickles. And I kept having my husband stop by and pick me up more jars and spices (I was drowning in my canner!!) We spent a “fortune” on canning jars!! It really put me in a pickle as I said, and this was just the start!
Snapping green beans all day and into the night many many times! My children thought I was a harsh task master, but I just could not throw them away…..That was just the beginning! Did I mention shelling 2 huge bushels of purple hull peas too?? She shared tomatoes galore, plus more! Plus our garden had tomatoes. I gleaned from another place of tomatoes. I actually at one point had so much tomatoes juiced to be canned and I was so weary I ended up wasting two huge pots full. I made V-8 juice, spaghetti sauce, tomato soup, tomato paste, tomato juice, whole tomatoes, ketchup, & salsa. Then peppers came popping out. I did jalapeno peppers until I do not wish to see another!! My hands were about to fall off by then. This was not to mention the stuff that went into the freezer (squash, zucchini, okra, onions, cabbage). Also, we canned 3 bushels of peaches. That day was not too bad, we had a good time all together working---but we were tired.
But during all this time, the world kept spinning while I was whizzing around dead on my feet in the kitchen. But things began to fall apart and unravel quickly…….i began to get grouchy, my kids were not getting a break from work either. We still had to do the bare necessities cooking cleaning, laundry, taking care of the animals etc. We had company a few times and a few birthdays in the middle of all this. And many many times It took me days to finish the table load of food. But then it would get filled again and again. So many opportunities went by to help others. I noticed I began to say things and not follow thru like saying I would call someone and not do it. I was unable to return emails or phone calls. One of my sons and I frequently went into big arguments (which was not normal). It really took over my life. My poor neighbor who I was hoping I was being a witness to must have thought I only wanted to be her friend for her garden, which was not true. But I was canning so much I did not have time to go to visit her. And when I did she gave me more garden stuff!
Let me say here that I am not complaining that I was blessed indeed by food this year. And canning is my no means a sin. But ignoring the Lord and what He tells me to do, and ignoring people who are in your life because you (i) was too busy canning, is a sin.
It all came to a head one week. Here is what happened: I had gone down to visit in the evening with my neighbor (the garden lady) a bit, I knew her mother had been in the hospital and had come home that day. So I took her some bread and visited with her a bit. The next morning as I was having my quiet time an ambulance and police cars went down the road. I just knew it was the lady’s mom. I was prompted to get up and go to her. But I was paralyzed with fear and I had a “ton” of canning to do. So I turn my ear away from the needs of my neighbor, and went on with the so called “important” things of my life. Besides someone else can help her I told myself.
It was one week later, ashamedly, I went down to visit with her. I asked about her mom. She said through shaking sobs that her mother had died during the night/early morning of the day I had visited last. She went of crying her heart out and told me every detail. She spared nothing and it was quite a horrific scene that she shared with me. And her words………….and I was all alone, I did have anyone to help me……………..had a immense effect on me. Boy did they ever! I was not there for her! Oh I was a sober person walking home that day. Not only was I not there for her, but it took me one week to get back to see her. I am so ashamed. That is not in Christ’s likeness at all! I was overtook with grief. I was crushed under the immense conviction of the Holy Spirit. It was all to obvious that I was having a half hearted relationship with my Jesus. I had been under conviction some the Wednesday night before (which prompted me to gooooooo to see my neighbor the next morning). Boy I cried off and on that whole day and at Bible study that night I just had the tears streaming down my cheeks of how I had disappointed my Father, who has lavished His love so freely on me.
*A Broken and contrite heart I (God) will not turn away*
is a beautiful thing
The next day my sister came for a visit and we cleaned for two days, on Saturday i got the call that my fruit was in!! I just wanted to cry! I was trying to change yet, the end was not over yet! And I must finish what I committed too financially I had purchased this order though 6 weeks prior. I was beyond discouragement……………….but I did cancel the next order arriving in September. Now I had two HUGE bushels of apples to peel, core, slice, cook, blend, can into applesauce. Plus 4 boxes of grapes to juice. On the second day of apples & grapes I got the call that my pears were in that was supposed to come with the peaches I had done a few weeks back!! Discouraged!! Will it ever end?! I was scared that my repentant heart did not mean anything---yet I was stuck! It was a YUCKY thing! We canned yet another week. BUT then we were done! NO MORE I said. I must stop and be obedient!
I know we are still learning how much will last all year and that takes some doing. As well, as my husband and I desire this kind of life style so it was not wrong for me to can. Yet because I did not stop and represent Christ Jesus when He so desired me to, was wrong. And I deeply regret not talking with my dearest dearest friends. That my family had to suffer with me not at my best. I can only pray that God will indeed allow me to redeem the opportunities lost. And that He will not allow me to fall in to that trap again. So to note:
When your “gifting” gets “canned” it really “spoils” everything!
I can truly say that some 1,000 jars later
“gift” gets “canned”
All of the microorganisms of Faith get killed!
(a laughable quote from my son--- who did not like canning!)
Well ladies, I feel as though I need to introduce myself again!! For it has been SOOOOOOO long since I wrote anything on this blog. But yes I am still among the living! Actually, those of you who know me personally, I need to apologize for my inward focus as of lately. I will explain………

Where to begin………well first let me just address the “gift” part of this title. I have never been one to think much of Bible studies devoted to “finding your Spiritual gift”. I think it is a waste of focus (my opinion of course!). The reason I think this way is actually quite simple. If you are walking in complete obedience to God. If you love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength, and your neighbor as yourself……………guess what happens??
Your Spiritual Gift(s) will show up!
You will already be doing them!
Probably two of my Spiritual gifts that seem to “show up” the most in my heart and my actions are Encouragement & Hospitality. I love doing both! And when I am prompted or see a need. Know of someone down or discouraged, Someone challenged in obedience, or just needs a hug—then it is my greatest joy to serve God in sending them a Word of encouragement. This is my heartbeat!
BUT when I get too busy to encourage others that come across my paths in need. When I ignore the promptings of God because I am too busy. Then I am in disobedience and I suffer greatly. This recently happened to me and I was a wreck! So many people (and people I dearly love!) I just basically ignored because I was busy!
I have written before and am a big “soap box” fan speaking directly against being too busy. Yet very cleverly the enemy satan so arrange a sneaky assault on me that I was not aware until I was buried under a great load.
Here is what happened. This is the second year of canning for us. I have made apple butter for years. And last year I did do a lot of canning too. It was rough then too! But I did not know as many people then and it seemed not so bad. But this year was the first year we had a garden that produced anything. From the mid month of May up to last week, I went 90 to nothing. Very unuasal for me. But there are things in life that do make for hectic times (such as my son getting Baptized, a death of a dear youth at church and the possible adoption all in one week!) But from that we went out of town and had some company a few times. Not to mention my husband traveled a few trips in this time frame. As well as putting our house up for sale and getting things fixed, repaired, & cleaned and keeping it that way. But if that were not enough………
In June for two weeks we went Wild Blackberry picking each morning until about noon. Since we could not get blueberries this season as the frost had gotten them. I made two batches of jam and froze the rest. They were very yummy! Then the garden stuff came rolling in!
It also ran smack into canning season! A lady down the road from me shared her garden with me and I mean shared. She had the most fabulous growing garden ever! So though I bought a bit from a lady I knew to help out with what I thought I needed, the rest came from the lady down the street. She was so generous. So I just kept canning and canning and canning! It all started with a cucumber, or shall I say hundreds of cucumbers. Before I knew it, I was in a real pickle!! I canned so many different kinds of pickles, I think I could feed a starving country----I just did not know when to quit. My kids at this point (which was at the beginning of the season) were ready to scream if someone gave us one more cucumber!! So I did give some to the pigs simply because I could not get to them all. My kitchen ahhhhh let’s just say there was not a place to sit! We will never eat all those pickles. And I kept having my husband stop by and pick me up more jars and spices (I was drowning in my canner!!) We spent a “fortune” on canning jars!! It really put me in a pickle as I said, and this was just the start!
Snapping green beans all day and into the night many many times! My children thought I was a harsh task master, but I just could not throw them away…..That was just the beginning! Did I mention shelling 2 huge bushels of purple hull peas too?? She shared tomatoes galore, plus more! Plus our garden had tomatoes. I gleaned from another place of tomatoes. I actually at one point had so much tomatoes juiced to be canned and I was so weary I ended up wasting two huge pots full. I made V-8 juice, spaghetti sauce, tomato soup, tomato paste, tomato juice, whole tomatoes, ketchup, & salsa. Then peppers came popping out. I did jalapeno peppers until I do not wish to see another!! My hands were about to fall off by then. This was not to mention the stuff that went into the freezer (squash, zucchini, okra, onions, cabbage). Also, we canned 3 bushels of peaches. That day was not too bad, we had a good time all together working---but we were tired.
But during all this time, the world kept spinning while I was whizzing around dead on my feet in the kitchen. But things began to fall apart and unravel quickly…….i began to get grouchy, my kids were not getting a break from work either. We still had to do the bare necessities cooking cleaning, laundry, taking care of the animals etc. We had company a few times and a few birthdays in the middle of all this. And many many times It took me days to finish the table load of food. But then it would get filled again and again. So many opportunities went by to help others. I noticed I began to say things and not follow thru like saying I would call someone and not do it. I was unable to return emails or phone calls. One of my sons and I frequently went into big arguments (which was not normal). It really took over my life. My poor neighbor who I was hoping I was being a witness to must have thought I only wanted to be her friend for her garden, which was not true. But I was canning so much I did not have time to go to visit her. And when I did she gave me more garden stuff!
Let me say here that I am not complaining that I was blessed indeed by food this year. And canning is my no means a sin. But ignoring the Lord and what He tells me to do, and ignoring people who are in your life because you (i) was too busy canning, is a sin.
It all came to a head one week. Here is what happened: I had gone down to visit in the evening with my neighbor (the garden lady) a bit, I knew her mother had been in the hospital and had come home that day. So I took her some bread and visited with her a bit. The next morning as I was having my quiet time an ambulance and police cars went down the road. I just knew it was the lady’s mom. I was prompted to get up and go to her. But I was paralyzed with fear and I had a “ton” of canning to do. So I turn my ear away from the needs of my neighbor, and went on with the so called “important” things of my life. Besides someone else can help her I told myself.
It was one week later, ashamedly, I went down to visit with her. I asked about her mom. She said through shaking sobs that her mother had died during the night/early morning of the day I had visited last. She went of crying her heart out and told me every detail. She spared nothing and it was quite a horrific scene that she shared with me. And her words………….and I was all alone, I did have anyone to help me……………..had a immense effect on me. Boy did they ever! I was not there for her! Oh I was a sober person walking home that day. Not only was I not there for her, but it took me one week to get back to see her. I am so ashamed. That is not in Christ’s likeness at all! I was overtook with grief. I was crushed under the immense conviction of the Holy Spirit. It was all to obvious that I was having a half hearted relationship with my Jesus. I had been under conviction some the Wednesday night before (which prompted me to gooooooo to see my neighbor the next morning). Boy I cried off and on that whole day and at Bible study that night I just had the tears streaming down my cheeks of how I had disappointed my Father, who has lavished His love so freely on me.
*A Broken and contrite heart I (God) will not turn away*
is a beautiful thing
The next day my sister came for a visit and we cleaned for two days, on Saturday i got the call that my fruit was in!! I just wanted to cry! I was trying to change yet, the end was not over yet! And I must finish what I committed too financially I had purchased this order though 6 weeks prior. I was beyond discouragement……………….but I did cancel the next order arriving in September. Now I had two HUGE bushels of apples to peel, core, slice, cook, blend, can into applesauce. Plus 4 boxes of grapes to juice. On the second day of apples & grapes I got the call that my pears were in that was supposed to come with the peaches I had done a few weeks back!! Discouraged!! Will it ever end?! I was scared that my repentant heart did not mean anything---yet I was stuck! It was a YUCKY thing! We canned yet another week. BUT then we were done! NO MORE I said. I must stop and be obedient!
I know we are still learning how much will last all year and that takes some doing. As well, as my husband and I desire this kind of life style so it was not wrong for me to can. Yet because I did not stop and represent Christ Jesus when He so desired me to, was wrong. And I deeply regret not talking with my dearest dearest friends. That my family had to suffer with me not at my best. I can only pray that God will indeed allow me to redeem the opportunities lost. And that He will not allow me to fall in to that trap again. So to note:
When your “gifting” gets “canned” it really “spoils” everything!
I can truly say that some 1,000 jars later
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sittin’ Down on the Job
Spiritual Weariness
This is actually a very visible Biblical lesson that happened to me not long ago. Well you know here on the farm we are still “New” at this “Country Living” thing. So this is the first time we have done any milking of any kind (except pour it from a carton!!) So we thought goats would be easier here at our place. We have had two Nanny Goats. The first one had something wrong with her teats and we could not milk (or so we thought). So we purchased a LaMacha as you may have read on our family blog When she kidded which was a Surprise, we waited what we thought was the “right time” and went out to milk her. Now that sounds so easy doesn’t it? Well that is after you catch her, carry the heavy beast to the milk stand, lock her in, get her feed, hobble her, (all while keeping all the other goats out of there) then squat so low ya think ya gonna fall over and begin to milk those little teats! Only to have her break her hobble and knock over the bucket! About the second day of trying to milk this goat this is what she did: We had to chase her, catch her, carry her (100lbs) to the milking stand, get the other goats out, lock in her head, get her feed, and hobble her in a homemade flimsy hobble. I began to milk her as best I could (I have weak hands) and had already felt like I had done a work out! On this day she would not eat! Stubborn ole thing I thought. Just about that time, I could not believe it, she began to slowly sit down. Throwing up my hands, I can not believe this (you can’t reach the teats at all if she sits!!). Smart/stubborn goat. How could you just “Sit Down on the Job” don’t you know that is what you are here for?? To provide my family with milk. And here you are sitting down on the job!! (And I am talking to the goat!) Deciding to forget the whole thing and try again when she has another kid, I went into the house “udderly” defeated.
How similar are we to that scenario?? How often do we “Sit Down on the Job”? I know I do so often. Especially when it is hard. When it is hard to obey the Lord. Hard to trust in His Will for my life. When I physically am worn out or don’t feel well. I excuse my bad attitude to “hormones” (which then just dethrones God as King over everything in our lives!). Sitting down on the job in waiting for God to find us a house instead of me helping Him out. You know God wants us to obey Him. Where do you “Sit Down on the Job” in the area of being His servant? Do you serve others or are you to busy “Sitting Down on your Job”. How about accepting God Will for you at this very moment with Joy (which is commanded in Scripture) whether it be a miscarriage of a baby you so desperately wanted, to never being able to have children. Perhaps you marriage is not what you expected. Your husband is out of a job. You have to move and leave dear friends. You can’t find fellowship with others etc. But this is where you are---don’t “Sit Down on the Job” just because you do not get you way (as Snowflake our goat did)
We do this in so many ways one is by just ignoring what God wants you to do. Spiritualizing your own agenda (which is usually easier and more appealing). Perhaps it is procrastination which is not a Godly trait “I’ll get to it later”. Sometimes it is as simple as writing a note, making a phone call, but you don’t do it because you have other things to do. May you be challenge and encouraged to get movin’….
With some
Scriptures to “STAND up on the Job”
2 Thessalonians 3:13 And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.
Psalm 119:28 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.
Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Galatians 6:9-10 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Hebrews 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Romans 5:3-4 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Spiritual Weariness
This is actually a very visible Biblical lesson that happened to me not long ago. Well you know here on the farm we are still “New” at this “Country Living” thing. So this is the first time we have done any milking of any kind (except pour it from a carton!!) So we thought goats would be easier here at our place. We have had two Nanny Goats. The first one had something wrong with her teats and we could not milk (or so we thought). So we purchased a LaMacha as you may have read on our family blog When she kidded which was a Surprise, we waited what we thought was the “right time” and went out to milk her. Now that sounds so easy doesn’t it? Well that is after you catch her, carry the heavy beast to the milk stand, lock her in, get her feed, hobble her, (all while keeping all the other goats out of there) then squat so low ya think ya gonna fall over and begin to milk those little teats! Only to have her break her hobble and knock over the bucket! About the second day of trying to milk this goat this is what she did: We had to chase her, catch her, carry her (100lbs) to the milking stand, get the other goats out, lock in her head, get her feed, and hobble her in a homemade flimsy hobble. I began to milk her as best I could (I have weak hands) and had already felt like I had done a work out! On this day she would not eat! Stubborn ole thing I thought. Just about that time, I could not believe it, she began to slowly sit down. Throwing up my hands, I can not believe this (you can’t reach the teats at all if she sits!!). Smart/stubborn goat. How could you just “Sit Down on the Job” don’t you know that is what you are here for?? To provide my family with milk. And here you are sitting down on the job!! (And I am talking to the goat!) Deciding to forget the whole thing and try again when she has another kid, I went into the house “udderly” defeated.
How similar are we to that scenario?? How often do we “Sit Down on the Job”? I know I do so often. Especially when it is hard. When it is hard to obey the Lord. Hard to trust in His Will for my life. When I physically am worn out or don’t feel well. I excuse my bad attitude to “hormones” (which then just dethrones God as King over everything in our lives!). Sitting down on the job in waiting for God to find us a house instead of me helping Him out. You know God wants us to obey Him. Where do you “Sit Down on the Job” in the area of being His servant? Do you serve others or are you to busy “Sitting Down on your Job”. How about accepting God Will for you at this very moment with Joy (which is commanded in Scripture) whether it be a miscarriage of a baby you so desperately wanted, to never being able to have children. Perhaps you marriage is not what you expected. Your husband is out of a job. You have to move and leave dear friends. You can’t find fellowship with others etc. But this is where you are---don’t “Sit Down on the Job” just because you do not get you way (as Snowflake our goat did)
We do this in so many ways one is by just ignoring what God wants you to do. Spiritualizing your own agenda (which is usually easier and more appealing). Perhaps it is procrastination which is not a Godly trait “I’ll get to it later”. Sometimes it is as simple as writing a note, making a phone call, but you don’t do it because you have other things to do. May you be challenge and encouraged to get movin’….
With some
Scriptures to “STAND up on the Job”
2 Thessalonians 3:13 And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.
Psalm 119:28 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.
Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Galatians 6:9-10 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Hebrews 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Romans 5:3-4 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
The Salvation Equation
What really Counts?
What man has added, that needs to be subtracted
What are the true factors
How to sum it up
How to multiply the product
Why we find ourselves divided
This topic it the basis for everything in this world---and the world to come. Yes there is a heaven and a hell. We are ALL eternal beings. So EVERYONE will either go to Heaven or Hell. There is no in-between. There is no simply “falling asleep” and that is all there is to it. You will face God at death (or at the end of the age) and He will tell you either:
A) Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
Matthew 7:22-23
B) All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. Matthew 25:32-34
I think most all who claim to any form of religion agree on this above information for the most part. We agree there is an eternal end to all lives. However, because of our excessive need to think we all go to Heaven we (the churches of today), have so prostituted the Truth with man’s ways that we have swarms of “illegitimate” people who call themselves “Christians” but who really have no reason to call God their Father!
What really Counts?
Is not weather you know God, but does He know you?
What got me to thinking so much about this was Galatians 6:12-16
Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. Not even those who are circumcised obey the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your flesh. May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of God.
I began to wonder what would this look like today? In these modern times, we do not worry about circumcision (as means of religious obedience). It is not a big deal. If we want it done we have it done to our babies before we leave the hospital as a means of everyday stuff.
So what would the battle of the uncircumcised and the circumcised be like today. This section that Paul speaks so fervently about. It weighed on my heart heavily. And I must conclude that everything that man has added to salvation just like the list below must be subtracted from the salvation equation for it has nothing to do with it. Just like they tried to do this in Jesus time.
Because of this terrible state of “making sure” everyone gets to go to Heaven we (churches of today), have so badly bastardized how we are “saved” or rescued from hell. In the following list (which is not exhaustive) are observations that I have seen in the past several years in many different “denominations” and churches. They may not say it in their “constitution” but it is written on their hearts in the way they talk and act. How they socialize or criticize, Do they love or think themselves above? do they edify or try to rectify you, how they welcome or reject others etc. Actually by holding up a “banner” is what I call it. This is what we believe, they leave the Gospel out all together. Today many of the “banners” are even listed on churches signs, so that you know just what they are about (instead of Christ) before you even get out of your car!
*are listings for women only.
Saying the sinner’s prayer
Walking down the church isle
Member of church
*Wearing dresses
*Having lots of children
*Wearing a head covering
*Long hair
no tattoos
wearing a suit to church
singing in the choir
not wearing any makeup
KJV only
Home school
Home business
Perfect church attendance
Beards(or vice versa)
no musical instruments
no wine
no swine
whole food nuts
under the law of Moses
no playing cards allowed
programmed discipleship
no wedding bands
G/PG rated TV/Movies
Not baptized
Crying out to God for Mercy
Praying on your kitchen floor
A no membership church
Wearing pants
Having 1 or no children
Not wearing a head covering
Short hair
Wearing what you have
Praising God in the pew
wearing makeup
obeying what we read in any version
public school
working for others
missing church to witness
clean shaven
musical instruments
wine in moderation
eat anything just don’t “pigout”
do the best you can
liberty in Christ
Law abiding citizen
Allegiance to The Lamb alone
playing card games
one on one investing in others
wedding bands
taking every thought captive
Not baptized
Crying out to God for Mercy
Praying on your kitchen floor
A no membership church
Wearing pants
Having 1 or no children
Not wearing a head covering
Short hair
Wearing what you have
Praising God in the pew
wearing makeup
obeying what we read in any version
public school
working for others
missing church to witness
clean shaven
musical instruments
wine in moderation
eat anything just don’t “pigout”
do the best you can
liberty in Christ
Law abiding citizen
Allegiance to The Lamb alone
playing card games
one on one investing in others
wedding bands
taking every thought captive
As you can see it is a lengthy list. Many you may be shaking your head or laughing at. But I can tell you they exist. Perhaps even in your own church. And many more little issues are in our churches today. We have confused Salvation with an outward appearance or performance. None of which God has said is true Salvation.
The factors of Salvation is repent and Believe in God! This is not an “easy Believism” at all. It is believing that Jesus is God’s Son, that he was born, died and rose again, that He is the perfect Lamb needed that allows you to come to God. Believing that you are but dust and need a Savior. You realize that you are bound for hell unless God intervenes. You can not get to God in any way of your own.
Matthew 4:17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."
Matthew 21:32 For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.
Luke 13:3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.
Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,
John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
John 5:38 nor does his word dwell in you, for you do not believe the one he sent.
Faith sums it all up! It is through Living Faith that God is my God and my love for Him causes me to seek what pleases Him and to obey it. This is the “fruit” of repentance and a changed life. Not a prayer, a pulpit, not anything from the above list has anything to do with Salvation. Not to mention that it is God who gives us this “gift” of Faith anyway!
Luke 5:20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven."
Luke 7:50 Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."
Luke 17:19 Then he said to him, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well."
Luke 18:6 And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says.
John 2:11 This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.
John 7:31 Still, many in the crowd put their faith in him. They said, "When the Christ comes, will he do more miraculous signs than this man?"
1 Corinthians 2:5 so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
1 Corinthians 15:17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.
2 Corinthians 4:13 It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken." With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak,
Romans 1:17 For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."
Romans 3:22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference,
Romans 3:25 God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished—
2 Corinthians 5:7 We live by faith, not by sight.
When we have repented and are walking in this kind of Faith with God. Listening to the Holy Spirit as He teaches us we will multiply the product that is produced in our lives as we pursue righteousness. The LOVE we have for God and others will be the “shoes” of our “walk” ---- NOT the things on the above list!!
What divides so many churches and people is that we want to come to Faith and walk out our Faith---our way (the list etc.). When Christ said to lay down your life then come follow me. You can’t have both your way and His! Either you are crucified with Christ or you are living for self.
There is ONLY ONE way to Faith. Jesus said He is the Way the Truth and The Life………no comes to the Father except by Him (His ways only! Not by any traditions of man!). Actually churches have forgotten that it is really the “few” not the “many” that come to Him anyway. I do not know why it is such a big deal to have a big church---the more you have the less of Christ there is……….(just a thought).
I praise God that I do not have to be a math major to figure this out!
Just believe in what really counts
The rest of the answers will come!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Applesauce Bullion
Well I am sure that I have peeked your curiosity! I have never heard of the product Applesauce Bullion, at least not until recently! Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Well of course it got me to thinking when this funny turn of events happened. Things are not always as they seem. You have heard of that I am sure. But we do not often practice seeing things from the “others” point of view. Furthermore, things are not always the way we think they should be according to God! Now that is getting touchy isn’t it! If it does not make sense to us, then surely it is not God’s will right??!!
God has said: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
One morning I was in the kitchen making my family’s favorite homemade soup! Creamy, Yummy Potato Soup with fresh bread on a cold day is the best!! So I asked my oldest son to go get me the main ingredient that makes it so yummy out of the freezer. Fresh, thick, strong “yard bird” broth is what really makes a terrific soup---Fantastic! So I always try to keep some on hand from when I cook up chicken in the crock pot. To make it simple I just put it into freezer containers and freeze it. It is the right amount too.
So on this morning after my son brought me the container I just wet the bottom and it slips right out. I put the pot on low and let it melt as I added the chopped potatoes and carrots. I have done this so much I could do it in my sleep! But on this morning as I was adding about 5 more cut up potatoes, something was not right. I was not hearing the right sound. Which is not sound at all as the broth melts. Instead I was hearing a sizzling sound. So I looked into the pot. There was a faint sweet smell. There was a pile high of cut potatoes sitting in half melted applesauce!!! I screamed, turned off the stove and just stared. Could this really be applesauce? Yep one lick and sure enough---applesauce. Well now what am I gonna do?
I took out the remaining frozen applesauce and put it in a bowl in the refrigerator, then I put all the potatoes in a strainer and rinsed them well, cleaned the pot, and started over! I thought I had used up all the applesauce a long time ago! And since I don’t label my freezer containers (I only use them for broth, and I can tell the beef broth from the chicken broth by color!) I look for what the outside looks like. But I did not think about the applesauce!! We had made applesauce way back in the summer. And since the spare freezer is in the basement workshop, I do not often go down there. The boys had told me we were out of applesauce months ago.
What a lesson! It looked like broth on the outside, it slid out like broth, but it was not broth!! Many times in the Bible we have seen this kind of “mistaken identity” My will over God’s?? Take for example the story written in I Samuel 16:1-13. God tells Samuel to go anoint the new king. After looking at all Jesse’s sons (at least the most promising ones). The ones that Samuel and Jesse thought God would choose was not God’s choice at all. We look on the outside and God looks on the inside. 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
Just like the mistake I made with the applesauce, we can make in our thoughts of other people, in our thoughts of God’s will in our lives. And whether or not we will be obedient to ideas and scriptures we do not understand etc. I challenge you to renew your mind in God’s Word. Get to know Him better and you will begin to think more heavenly minded.
I was able to clean up my “mistaken identity” with the applesauce bullion! But many times in our lives it is not so easy to “clean up” thoughtless bullion! Think about it!
Well I am sure that I have peeked your curiosity! I have never heard of the product Applesauce Bullion, at least not until recently! Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Well of course it got me to thinking when this funny turn of events happened. Things are not always as they seem. You have heard of that I am sure. But we do not often practice seeing things from the “others” point of view. Furthermore, things are not always the way we think they should be according to God! Now that is getting touchy isn’t it! If it does not make sense to us, then surely it is not God’s will right??!!
God has said: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
One morning I was in the kitchen making my family’s favorite homemade soup! Creamy, Yummy Potato Soup with fresh bread on a cold day is the best!! So I asked my oldest son to go get me the main ingredient that makes it so yummy out of the freezer. Fresh, thick, strong “yard bird” broth is what really makes a terrific soup---Fantastic! So I always try to keep some on hand from when I cook up chicken in the crock pot. To make it simple I just put it into freezer containers and freeze it. It is the right amount too.

So on this morning after my son brought me the container I just wet the bottom and it slips right out. I put the pot on low and let it melt as I added the chopped potatoes and carrots. I have done this so much I could do it in my sleep! But on this morning as I was adding about 5 more cut up potatoes, something was not right. I was not hearing the right sound. Which is not sound at all as the broth melts. Instead I was hearing a sizzling sound. So I looked into the pot. There was a faint sweet smell. There was a pile high of cut potatoes sitting in half melted applesauce!!! I screamed, turned off the stove and just stared. Could this really be applesauce? Yep one lick and sure enough---applesauce. Well now what am I gonna do?
I took out the remaining frozen applesauce and put it in a bowl in the refrigerator, then I put all the potatoes in a strainer and rinsed them well, cleaned the pot, and started over! I thought I had used up all the applesauce a long time ago! And since I don’t label my freezer containers (I only use them for broth, and I can tell the beef broth from the chicken broth by color!) I look for what the outside looks like. But I did not think about the applesauce!! We had made applesauce way back in the summer. And since the spare freezer is in the basement workshop, I do not often go down there. The boys had told me we were out of applesauce months ago.
What a lesson! It looked like broth on the outside, it slid out like broth, but it was not broth!! Many times in the Bible we have seen this kind of “mistaken identity” My will over God’s?? Take for example the story written in I Samuel 16:1-13. God tells Samuel to go anoint the new king. After looking at all Jesse’s sons (at least the most promising ones). The ones that Samuel and Jesse thought God would choose was not God’s choice at all. We look on the outside and God looks on the inside. 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
Just like the mistake I made with the applesauce, we can make in our thoughts of other people, in our thoughts of God’s will in our lives. And whether or not we will be obedient to ideas and scriptures we do not understand etc. I challenge you to renew your mind in God’s Word. Get to know Him better and you will begin to think more heavenly minded.
I was able to clean up my “mistaken identity” with the applesauce bullion! But many times in our lives it is not so easy to “clean up” thoughtless bullion! Think about it!
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow Flake or So Fake?
I had to wait some time for this inspiration to come “floating” down from the sky! This had been on my heart, but I wanted to wait for the first snow fall! And that was on Thursday! How beautiful to wake up to the snow white world. For everything to be so perflakely covered with glistening white stuff! Peering out the window before anyone has gone outside to molest the scene of perflake harmony of the snowflake’s unity on the earth!
It is equally amazing to me the contrast, though, when the untouched, unified snowflakes are marred by an intruder. The minute that footprints, dog prints, other animal prints begin to assault the “unified snowflakes” how very very ugly it gets. Then there is no return to it’s beauty. It is unity completely ruined forever. Then the inevitable fights, customary snowmen and igloo’s take care of the rest of the yard’s beauty. The streets ever so quickly splash their black dirty juices on the roadside plowed snow. Making it hideously obvious of our busy world! The beauty of the untouched, uncomplicated display of God’s splendor now in mucky brown undesirable ruins.
As I watched these big soft flakes float gingerly down to the yard, I thought isn’t it amazing how just one snow flake does not do anything but come down and melt. I thought it sure is gonna take a lot of those snowflakes to make a blanket of white stillness. Just one snow flake won’t do!! But when there are more than one, say a lot more. Then some more added, then before you know it, they are shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, unified I might add, in order to do one mission: Display God’s Glory!! And when that happens, the majesty is speechless to look upon. A beautiful white blanket of Splendor sent from Heaven!
So it made me think of the “church”. Each body member being a “flake”. Just one alone can not do what the “body” was designed to do. Only through the complete unified effort of each flake (person) can the uncanning beauty of God’s children –displaying God’s Glory! This kind of unity in the “church” is missing today. Both inside the local “church’ and between “churches”. I have been in many churches—unity? Many do not know the word much less what God says about unity. It is sad. Not to mention that unity between others churches/denominations if you will---is usually unheard of.
Why I ask? I think it is because there are fake flakes in the mist of these bodies of believers that distract, redirect, disregard from the mission, thus molesting the unity that should be there. I think back to the early church and this is how they are described: Acts 2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.4 All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 4:32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.
What has happened to this beginning?..........well, in short, we have left our first Love. We have sold our hearts to a modern day organization. The church now has all the amities that a club or businessman needs. Exchanging personal involvement with one another to group programs. In this process of keeping up with the world, new buildings, gyms, programs, entertainment etc, has sprung up. Regrettably, with those things came unneeded massive expenses & debt. I think this is when there was the beginning of huge influx of “So Flakes”. People who are not saved. People who are only in this for the entertainment, etc. The church has to pay it’s “bills” somehow.
Thus our big mega church & large churches are full of “So Flakes” so there can not be the unity of “Snow Flakes”. In order to keep everyone happy much is compromised. And the small churches many times are no different and are on their way to being big and offer all they can!
Can a church full of “So Flakes” ever perflakely produce the beauty and glory of true unity that “Snow Flakes” can?
Are you a “Snow Flake” or “So Fake”
I had to wait some time for this inspiration to come “floating” down from the sky! This had been on my heart, but I wanted to wait for the first snow fall! And that was on Thursday! How beautiful to wake up to the snow white world. For everything to be so perflakely covered with glistening white stuff! Peering out the window before anyone has gone outside to molest the scene of perflake harmony of the snowflake’s unity on the earth!
It is equally amazing to me the contrast, though, when the untouched, unified snowflakes are marred by an intruder. The minute that footprints, dog prints, other animal prints begin to assault the “unified snowflakes” how very very ugly it gets. Then there is no return to it’s beauty. It is unity completely ruined forever. Then the inevitable fights, customary snowmen and igloo’s take care of the rest of the yard’s beauty. The streets ever so quickly splash their black dirty juices on the roadside plowed snow. Making it hideously obvious of our busy world! The beauty of the untouched, uncomplicated display of God’s splendor now in mucky brown undesirable ruins.
As I watched these big soft flakes float gingerly down to the yard, I thought isn’t it amazing how just one snow flake does not do anything but come down and melt. I thought it sure is gonna take a lot of those snowflakes to make a blanket of white stillness. Just one snow flake won’t do!! But when there are more than one, say a lot more. Then some more added, then before you know it, they are shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, unified I might add, in order to do one mission: Display God’s Glory!! And when that happens, the majesty is speechless to look upon. A beautiful white blanket of Splendor sent from Heaven!
So it made me think of the “church”. Each body member being a “flake”. Just one alone can not do what the “body” was designed to do. Only through the complete unified effort of each flake (person) can the uncanning beauty of God’s children –displaying God’s Glory! This kind of unity in the “church” is missing today. Both inside the local “church’ and between “churches”. I have been in many churches—unity? Many do not know the word much less what God says about unity. It is sad. Not to mention that unity between others churches/denominations if you will---is usually unheard of.
Why I ask? I think it is because there are fake flakes in the mist of these bodies of believers that distract, redirect, disregard from the mission, thus molesting the unity that should be there. I think back to the early church and this is how they are described: Acts 2:42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.4 All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 4:32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.
What has happened to this beginning?..........well, in short, we have left our first Love. We have sold our hearts to a modern day organization. The church now has all the amities that a club or businessman needs. Exchanging personal involvement with one another to group programs. In this process of keeping up with the world, new buildings, gyms, programs, entertainment etc, has sprung up. Regrettably, with those things came unneeded massive expenses & debt. I think this is when there was the beginning of huge influx of “So Flakes”. People who are not saved. People who are only in this for the entertainment, etc. The church has to pay it’s “bills” somehow.
Thus our big mega church & large churches are full of “So Flakes” so there can not be the unity of “Snow Flakes”. In order to keep everyone happy much is compromised. And the small churches many times are no different and are on their way to being big and offer all they can!
Can a church full of “So Flakes” ever perflakely produce the beauty and glory of true unity that “Snow Flakes” can?
Are you a “Snow Flake” or “So Fake”
Friday, January 26, 2007
Uncovered Righteousness
Ladies, have you ever wondered what you will wear in Heaven? Well I had not even considered this until recently. What caused me to ponder this is what I am wearing today!! Which is a mossy oak breakup jumper and an hunter orange T-shirt under it with a matching mossy oak bandana style head piece. This is really wild to some………but it is modest!
There is much controversy in clothing these days. From being in “style” to traditional clothing. From modest to immodest in both arenas. I have been in churches that my sons had to constantly look down because of the indecently dressed women and girls in the auditorium, that it was sickening. But this was common and accepted practice, ignoring scripture that speaks directly against such immodesty ( 1 Timothy 2:9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes). Modesty is not defined here, yet one can understand it does mean clothing cut low in the chest and short in the legs is immodest. And thus some just decided to go around the “letter” of the law, ignoring the “Spirit” of the law to covering all parts, just form fitting-------this too ladies is immodest. What are we trying to prove, show or advertise? Proper decent attire is part of our “walk” as Christians.
Now while this is true, There are other groups that feel it immodest to have part of your arms showing! Or not having a certain conformity of pattern or the right type of material. Some even cover their feet. The problem with this in general is that it is a fertile bed for growing legalism and pharisitical righteousness. What I mean is………I had a lady give look upon me with contempt because I did not have the normal noted attire for a certain group. She did not know me but I thought how sad that she thinks I am not a Christian because my modest clothing does not fit her “list” of style pattern and print of the clothes. It was as though I was pronounced on the spot “lost and worldly” in just a sneering glance. This is so wrong. I have visited other churches that too had legalism about clothes (not as spelled out), saying that because some young men were now wearing suits and cutting their hair properly were obviously saved and going to heaven. This again is wrong!
So in laughable discouragement I thought: You know what I will never please these people---for I am not a people pleaser. But a “Truth pleaser” (Ephesians 5:8-10 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. )
You know what? in Heaven it is not going to matter what I wear, I ain’t taking these clothes with me. And wearing the legalistic clothes list does not impart anymore righteousness than simply obeying---dress modestly. It is not in what we wear it is in WHO we obey. In heaven we are not going to wear make-up, or get perms, or wear cape dresses or for that matter head coverings either.
I guess my point is that so many people get so wound up (many times it is in their silence not just their words) about the clothes/hair/makeup/jewelry being their righteousness (which it is not on any “fruit” listed in the Bible) that they miss “the boat” so to speak. They put this command of modesty above all others. Not having love and grace for others as God has bestowed on us. I am not saying modesty is not important. BUT so is Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. Be submissive to your husband, give to those in need, encourage those in the body and so on……So in our “dress codes” we have forgotten to love others. We have made it into a “banner” of “covered righteousness” and have forgotten the “banner” of love. And as Scripture says without love you are nothing.
We need to remeber to give the same grace and mercy to others that we desire ourselves.
Ladies, have you ever wondered what you will wear in Heaven? Well I had not even considered this until recently. What caused me to ponder this is what I am wearing today!! Which is a mossy oak breakup jumper and an hunter orange T-shirt under it with a matching mossy oak bandana style head piece. This is really wild to some………but it is modest!
There is much controversy in clothing these days. From being in “style” to traditional clothing. From modest to immodest in both arenas. I have been in churches that my sons had to constantly look down because of the indecently dressed women and girls in the auditorium, that it was sickening. But this was common and accepted practice, ignoring scripture that speaks directly against such immodesty ( 1 Timothy 2:9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes). Modesty is not defined here, yet one can understand it does mean clothing cut low in the chest and short in the legs is immodest. And thus some just decided to go around the “letter” of the law, ignoring the “Spirit” of the law to covering all parts, just form fitting-------this too ladies is immodest. What are we trying to prove, show or advertise? Proper decent attire is part of our “walk” as Christians.
Now while this is true, There are other groups that feel it immodest to have part of your arms showing! Or not having a certain conformity of pattern or the right type of material. Some even cover their feet. The problem with this in general is that it is a fertile bed for growing legalism and pharisitical righteousness. What I mean is………I had a lady give look upon me with contempt because I did not have the normal noted attire for a certain group. She did not know me but I thought how sad that she thinks I am not a Christian because my modest clothing does not fit her “list” of style pattern and print of the clothes. It was as though I was pronounced on the spot “lost and worldly” in just a sneering glance. This is so wrong. I have visited other churches that too had legalism about clothes (not as spelled out), saying that because some young men were now wearing suits and cutting their hair properly were obviously saved and going to heaven. This again is wrong!
So in laughable discouragement I thought: You know what I will never please these people---for I am not a people pleaser. But a “Truth pleaser” (Ephesians 5:8-10 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. )
You know what? in Heaven it is not going to matter what I wear, I ain’t taking these clothes with me. And wearing the legalistic clothes list does not impart anymore righteousness than simply obeying---dress modestly. It is not in what we wear it is in WHO we obey. In heaven we are not going to wear make-up, or get perms, or wear cape dresses or for that matter head coverings either.
I guess my point is that so many people get so wound up (many times it is in their silence not just their words) about the clothes/hair/makeup/jewelry being their righteousness (which it is not on any “fruit” listed in the Bible) that they miss “the boat” so to speak. They put this command of modesty above all others. Not having love and grace for others as God has bestowed on us. I am not saying modesty is not important. BUT so is Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. Be submissive to your husband, give to those in need, encourage those in the body and so on……So in our “dress codes” we have forgotten to love others. We have made it into a “banner” of “covered righteousness” and have forgotten the “banner” of love. And as Scripture says without love you are nothing.
We need to remeber to give the same grace and mercy to others that we desire ourselves.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Naked Truth
Now I know what you are thinking. Is this even fit to read??? Well yes, get past the title and you will find a very good lesson. Having spent many years on the coast of California, we spent a lot of time “catchin’ waves”. There just isn’t anything like staring at the vastness of the ocean and reflecting of God’s Power, His Majesty, His Might, and yet His love and care for us. The wonderful thing about the beaches we went to was that for the most part, they were colder beaches and most of the time jackets were worn, and in general more clothing than at the more southern beaches. This was a blessing.
But we all probably have seen the sight of a woman or a man in a in a skimpy swim suit lounging or walking along the beach. Follow me down the beach for just a moment. This profound little picture has such a spiritual meaning! When people are dressed as such or undressed as I like to say. Many of them barely have on enough clothing to cover a flea. As you glance at this picture---you see A LOT of flesh. And that is just the way we should expect it. What do I mean? Well, for the unregenerate person all he/she can do is live their lives in the flesh. That is all that shows. Boy do they show a lot of flesh.
However, we as believers also get into the “flesh” many times. And I just want you to think for a minute what that looks like----all that flesh hanging out!! We think of the beach scene aghast. But yet we will literal go naked at home, or out shopping and even to church!! We do not hesitate to tell a sister a “thing or two”, or gossip. How about being impatient with our spouse or children for not moving quickly enough? How about when there is a need turning your head in the opposite direction while saying someone else can do that job. Not being available for a listening ear. Not having compassion on those who need it. Most often it is our tongues that “lick” us! We intentionally hurt someone. Or tell someone the Truth – without love. I could make this list as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. But I think you are beginning to get the idea. There are many deeds of the flesh (Col 3:5,7-9, Eph. 4:31-32, Gal. 5:19-21), and every time we walk in the “flesh” we look like that lady who was quite heavy in her bikini and flesh was everywhere! (That was a true sighting---please note I am not making fun of heavy people, I myself am of the heavy side too----but I do not wear bikinis!) That is sickening!! It made me really think! As I was teaching my boys about this, I would remind them every time they were knowingly sinning I would say,: Are you walking around naked? Do you need to go to the clothes closet and change?
Change into what:
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:12-14
Change our inconsiderate actions for ones of compassion. Change our uncaring hearts for hearts of kindness. Trample our pride and replace it with humility. Round our rough edges with gentleness. And change our snappiness to patience in all things. Having a heart of forgiveness at all times. Change our many hateful attitudes and actions to ones of love, which clothes us completely.
This is how you properly clothe yourself so as to not run around naked!
I ask you to think about what you look like when you walk around in the flesh---I promise you it is ugly!! Let us consider how we are to clothe ourselves and not go around showing our flesh and in doing so we will glorify the Lord!
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