As Spring made it’s appearance announcing not only lovely weather to be enjoyed but the New Life that creation brings forth is amazing. It seems that nothing shouts louder God’s existence than New Life.
Since the beginning of time, year after year, without fail, these amazing new beginnings are birthed. The frozen waters are release from their bondage, to run freely down and water the earth’s life. Spring babies abound, replenishing their existence, laughing at extinction.
The daffodils start out the parade shouting God’s praise,followed by tulips,Dogwoods, Barlette Pear trees,and many more. In a gallant orchestra all the plants and trees come to life. Singing brilliantly their praise to God. Pointing everyone to The Creator in their magnificent display of color and splendor. We are all spellbound by their indescribable beauty.
And God said, “it’s all good.”
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed
according to their kinds and trees bearing
fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.
And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:12
But then, God made something even better, more beautiful, and spectacular than ALL of creation. He made YOU! As I was enveloped in all the majesty that God created as it came to life, I was reminded that we, God’s children, are to be more beautiful that all of creation. We aren’t just good, we are very good!
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening,
and there was morning-- the sixth day.
Genesis 1:31
If our lives were sitting in a field of daisies, we would stand out as more beautiful because of God radiating out of us. If we were standing in the forest of Redwoods, we would stand out as more majestic because of the Jesus inside of us spilling out.
Our love for God and others, should be bigger than the ocean who continually sings God’s praise. Do you shine brighter than the brightest star?
All of creation should pale in comparison to the masterpiece God created YOU to be!
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