Don’t Judge a Skin by its Color
You know the old Grapefruit diet? There is nothing like putting a spoonful of TART grapefruit in your mouth. So when I grabbed the last grapefruit that morning I grumbled. It was the wrinkled spotted one. Just one look and I knew it was gonna make my lips pucker!! With drudgery I cut it in half. Even the inside was as pale as could be. I cut around the edge and scooped out the first bite. With a deep breath I closed my eyes…knowing that if I hurried I could just get this over with.
My eyes flew open and to my great surprise… it was one of the sweetest grapefruits I have eaten. Boy was I rebuked! I had judged that grapefruit from its outer appearance instead of what was on the inside!
There is a lesson for us… we do the same thing to people don’t we? We look at their outer clothing, hair style, shoes etc and make a judgment. But we can miss out on the sweetest, God-fearing people!

I have met some very God pursuant people that didn’t look so terrific on the outside. What a blessing they are to me.
Likewise, I have actually seen some of the most “Perfect” ruby red grapefruit, perfect color, firmness and pink when cut open…yet when the bite hit my mouth I had to spit it out!
There are those people who because of what they wear we put them in a “Holy category” of which they don’t belong. Whether it is a suit & tie, suspenders & beard, bun & skirt, dress & head covering, high heels & matching purse…..
I have known some of these people to be the most unloving, snobbish, self-righteous, prideful people….really tart on the inside!
It is what is on the inside that matters. We have got to quit judging a person by what we see on the outside…take the time to find out what’s on the inside….it might just surprise you!
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged,
and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Matthew 7:2
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