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A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Clouded View

sun5 This morning lesson was brilliant though rough to see.  I got up late after a restless  night.  We  hurried and readied, downed the hotel room coffee and headed out the door.  But one thing I have learned, life starts early here (if I might just say it never sleeps here!)

Sadly, though our teenage son decided this morning was the day he wanted to spoil for a fight.  So that is how the morning began.  Not good…..

We began our jaunt…. though I had great praise music on, my heart was too broken to worship in it.  I trudged along, not able to do much running….I eventually gave up.  But had to keep walking, my body filled with pain both inside and out, Isun3 trudged on. 

Simple things make me happy and one of the things I have wanted to do most was just sit on a bench in the early morning and watch the waves…just Jesus and me…..well that didn’t happen either.

It seemed that God was distant.  There were too many obstacles in the way… my vision was clouded by the argument, my burden for another son, the pain my body was experiencing, the fact that we had gotten up late and people were already crowding the streets at 6 am…..

God seemed so far away……

Then to top off my not so good morning….. I missed the sunrise!  Or so I thought.

I followed my husband and son out on a long pier.  I wondered what the deal was, since it was already daylight.  I waddled myself to them and asked what they were doing.

I thought you wanted a picture of the sunrise?” my husband replied.

Yes I did, but don’t you think you are a bit too late?” I said sarcastically pointing to the fact that…hello, it is like daylight look around!”

Looking at  his watch he told me it was still to come….

So I watched for it….sun4

I really did not think we would see anything.  I was confused.  It was already daylight.  There was no sun to be seen in the direction of the sunrises we had seen days before.

All I could see was Diamond head (a mini mountain/volcano thingy), tall sky rises and a bunch of clouds.  I thought to myself, there is no way the sunrise will make it past all that. 

Yes, my view of the SON was clouded by many obstacles.  I couldn’t help but think that God had given me this visual.   I too had allowed many things to cloud my view of the SON this very morning. 

Yet, if I wait upon the Lord, He will rise up and show Himself all powerful and glorious!

I waited, thinking this is a waste of my time…..

Until, I saw the top of the clouds turn pink, the SON beams shining through.  Still had not seen the fullness of the SON, but I knew it was coming….if only I would wait I would see the glory of the Lord….

I waited….

I noticed one of the clouds had it’s hand raised giving glory and honor to the King….that was so cool to see. 

Then, it happened….He overcame….The SON did rise, despite the obstacles in the way….Nothing can keep the SON from rising in our hearts…..we only need to look to the sky and all will be well with our soul…..

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!

I have overcome the world."

John 16:33

but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

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