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A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.

Monday, January 06, 2014

Power Run


pix When we go on vacation we have certain expectations.  This time was no exception.  Our flight had been great (as well as being squeezed into a sardine can and bulleted through the skies, using a tiny tiny bathroom and breathing in everyone’s breath, and hearing crying babies.)  But really no complaints. 

The air hitting my nostrils as I exited the airport.  It felt like CA….no humidity a slight breeze of maybe 70 degrees.  I had to stop and take in a deep breath.  Ahh, this is going to be great I thought.

Doing the usual…hailing a taxi, looking out the window at this new land, wondering what lies ahead.  Checking into the hotel, which is an open air lobby.  Looking at their cool Christmas decorations (which seemed all wrong for the weather!) 

Finally to the room…..unpack, check everything out….be sure there is coffee!  Then on to the beach….check it out then food!  Balcony time was cool, the beach was packed, I wondered if this was going to be as much “fun” as I hoped it would be. 

The next morning…was what I had been waiting for….time with me and my God on the balcony alone just the two of us….I had prepared the night before. I had not brought my Bible trying to keep packing down.  But had got a Kindle for Christmas, with my Bible on it.  So I had my kindle, blanket, back pillow ready to slip out for this time of Paradise with my Lord.

Well….guess what, early I rose and slipped out.  Got all comfy and I could not read my kindle!  I didn’t know I needed a light!  So that was a bummmm…. So i just prayed.  And with a burdened heart I pour out to God to fill me and to let this vacation be overflowing with His presence in my days.  I spent a long time in prayer since i would not read the Word, I simply worshiped Him….

This is how He answered me….

We dressed, my husband, son and I went for a run.  With Chris Tomlin in my left ear, singing Amazing Grace my chains are gone, Jesus Messiah, Holy is the Lord, I will Rise, How great is our God, Our God, We Fall Down, and Indescribable…….and the crashing waves in the other….I worshipped like never before….

I have no idea how far I ran, I didn’t care, but the worship and praise under the stars, on the sandy shore with waves of grace washing over my soul…Is indescribable.  God did answer my prayer more than I could have expected. 

It was just me and Him…..in ultimate adoration!  All I can think…is heaven must gonna be something like this!  That one hour of time, made this vacation worth it, and I am sure out of all the things we do, see and eat, nothing will compare….to that Power run this morning!


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